Saturday, February 13, 2010

wah lau what a week...

WELL, well..this week have been quite tiring and annoying and stressful. I mean, it all started off with the econs quiz on thurs, then came the managerial econs excel assignment for fri. This 2 was enuf to keep me on my feet thru the whole week. Why so? Cuz I just suck with excel, I guess I just have this fear of opening it up and see so many blank grids staring back at me. I just feel so lost n helpless with that programme. And the prof just throws it to us, and expect us to do it. Without teaching us how to really use excel.
Then there was the econs quiz to handle. Well, for me, its just needing to do well and be at the top of the foodchain. I dun knw, i just cant stand being lousy and in the bottom's all.

Recently there has been a lot of hoo-hah on religions etc etc blah blah blah. Well, to start of with, I am an acadmic, and I believe in GOD. To sole creator of the universe n man-kind. However, i believe that religions are man-made, and its a social construct which man creates to give them a sense of belonging n psychological assurance to something. My personal point of view is that I advocate any religion as long as they provide good teachings for their followers, to love and care for each other, to provide for the unfortunate, to help and share what they have around them etc etc..Basically the love n goodness that god would want his children to posses and spread. And so, I believe that most religions in the world, or my country promote that. Thus I dont see the reason why that one religion should stand out and condemn the rest of the religions judging by the fact that their god is superior and almighty and other religions are being puppeted by devils, evil etc. Why is that religion so scared or against or threatened by the presence of other religions? and has to engage audiences to not follow that religion and theirs? Doesnt tt religion promote the same values of goodness as yours? The grounds might differ, but the consensus shld stay similiar. I believe that religions are inocent, its humans who the ones that are guilty whom misinterprete information and take matters into their own hands, and pretend that they are some 'saint' or matyr and carry out some stupid crazy act. To me, I feel religions have been a curse and a blessing.
But to me, I trust in my god,who has given me love and guidance all this while, and I am very sure HE wouldnt want his children to discriminate and hate each other because of the different ways thru cultural, or race that people have decided to worship him in. In fact, I strongly believe that its a SIN to use GOD's name to condemn people or other religions or matters, because that person is NOT GOD, and so he doesnt have any right to speak on behalf of the ALMIGHTY..even if he's a religious leader, we mustnt forget that he is only human, and he's as flawed n imperfect as anyone of us.Dont you feel that GOD would be disappointed in you if you are saying things that would reflect of his unconditional love and care of his children? Dont you feel that you are using GOD's name to create hatred, chaos and discrimination that the devil wants? Now, who's the one that is being puppeted by the devil that indirectly appears to use GOD name to make himself sound holy, when using this name just causes conflict n disharmony? That's for you to think and decide... peace out. For the love of GOD...

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