Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oh Boy...

Well, to start of with, I cant really remember what I did on Fri, so i cant really talk much abt it...hmm, well yesterday, was spent doing lotsa revision on econs. I got another econs quiz coming out nxt week..sigh..its nvr ending..And I was a good boy, staying at home, saving my parent's money, and studying with the intermittance of facebooking, msning, eating, smsing, etc. But it was still rather productive. I finished 2 pages of textbook. Basically they were telling me about the introduction of how macro-econs came about.. LOL..dam i m kidding was good lah..revision.
Then I had a random chat with my friend, and we juz brought up this academic writing topic if gays and lesbians should be given marriage rights? And what he said was, there's nothing wrong with spending your life with someone that you want..and that's what marriage is all about. And I totally agree. Besides, homosexuality and bisexuality has been concluded that its been part of the sexuality variant of humans by scientists after thorough intensive research. As much as people didnt choose to be born straight, they didnt choose to be born gay. I believe that its so wrong and unethical to deny someone his/her love for someone else. And because so many of them have been denied this right, they lead very depressed and pitiful lives. Just like all the majority of straight people, they just dont want to spent their lives alone, living as what you all believe is 'right' of them so that they wont be called 'sick'. Doesnt all religions preach to love, and share and spread this love? But we are not, we are using our very own religious views to condemn these people.. Treating them as an abomination. To the fundamentalists n misguided people, shame on you. And to those who lead n preach for people to condemn these people, i believe that you are serving the devil instead, because by doing so you create discrimination, hatred, n lost of lives which is what the devil wants, chaos. I pray for GOD to enlighten these misguided people, and to be merciful in judging them, and to lift off the sufferings from people who have already been discriminated n hated for gender, race and sexuality sake.

I am blessed that I have such intellectual and enlightened friends. Moving on, today was exhausting. Had a hectic gym schedul today. Was pulled down by my gym buddy to hit the weights. He keep adding the weights while assisting. Thanks pal =D. I think i will feel the aches tmrw again! hehe..And after that rushed down to vivo city for a dinner apptment with my tjc mates. Its good to see them after sooo long. Hmm, we ate at Kim Gary restaurant after much negeotiations. It wasnt dat great.. The food was mediocre. It's just tt u dun really get such kinda food everywhere which makes it unique lah I guess..Then after tt, we just strolled around, sat on the grass patch on the 3rd level to count stars..and that's it lor..

Need to head to see the doctor tmrw! ciao

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