Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mass Communication and Globalisation (COM)

This blog entry is dedicated to my late grandma who passed away peacefully on the 05 March 2009, at 5.45pm. She's 81 this year. She has been a strong woman, battling diabetes, kidney failure and an in-curable eye condition called glaucoma that led her to become blind. She makes really good rice dumpling aka bak chang, and will be dearly miss. God bless her soul.

This 2 weeks have been dreadful with 2 midterms and one quiz. Adding on to another midterm next mon. This week especially with the death of my grandma, and the sudden decision with the giving up of one of the joy i have known. I guess with so many problems to cope with, hitting me here and there, the volcano just erupted. to the person, i have tried my best to be the best. I am also thinking deeply these couple of days to make a choice. I think the choice for me, is the choice that would make me happy, because it's my life, my decision and shouldnt be wavered by the opinions or view of the people surrounding me. I think it should go to you too. really.
And i really missed the copying of homework , and the part where you keep seeking the enlightenment of physics..... but we shall see...

And so over that, where i continue to ponder on. I shall talk about something today.First check out the comic below:

and the next one below to :

well, what do the 2 comics have in common? yes, it relates to mass media. And in particular, reporting and news telecasting and print, in this case. Well, the first comic, relates to a much past event with regards to the Late Saddam Hussein, which depicts about how indepth is the coverage of the war by news media companies that the dictator don't have to hire spies to track the movement of the enemy forces. And in the 2nd comic, it's a clear cut meaning of how a reporter attempts to get the answer out from God about regarding the chicken and the egg. Media messages play a very important part in our everyday life. They are directed to large heterogeneous groups can come from complex organisations that has specialised individuals creating them. And with regards, to news media, their main purpose is to inform and raise the importance of an issue in the public's mind. In the case of the first comic, we have CNN, US and Europe newspapers in the picture. We all know that CNN is a news media company that is focus on reporting US news, and it is widely recieved globally. Therefore, it can be so readily be viewed by Saddam himself. Furthermore, CNN had live reporters that travcelled with the US army that constantly gave 24hr report on troops movement. Similarly, so does the print media of the newspaper companies that distribute the papers globally which Saddam can get his hands on. The news media potrays these events basically to show western domination in particular US to the world. It shows how the US stamps out one of the most feared dictator, and indirectly tells us that they are still the super power of the world. Besides, the news media company would have to be selective and potray all the good sides of the US, as they have to represent what the world percieves the US power, and at the same time, make the White House adminstration look good. The comic also somewhat ridicule the news media company of doing such a good job in giving insides of the war to the public that Saddam dont even need to waste a spy to study the troops movement. It's somewhat rather suggestive as well. But I really think it's very creative.
As for the 2nd comic, it answers the long time question of whether the egg came first or the chicken. And it dates back to the time of evolution where no one could figure out too. Therefore, a reporter and his camera man finds god to gets the question answered. Well, why do most people consume the news media? One reason that it sells, is because they address problems, and seek answers to what the public wants to know. On the other hand, they can create a way of looking at the world that eventually becomes a commonly held view. The comic, shows how the reporter attempts the impossible to get the answer to the widely sort after question so that he can get back to the public. The cartoonist wants to potray the importance of how reporters need to satisfy the public's thirst to what they want in order to be a good broadcasting news company. But of course, I believe that the public should be given a general dose of everything and not only things that would concern them. Thanks to media globalisation, we can have access through all the different news channels. At the same time, we can see western dominance overwhelming our TV channels where most of the shows played are from the US. For example, quite a number of countries buy the right to play American Idol in their country, but nobody buys the right to air Singapore Idol? I grew up in the world of MTV, american idol and wheel of forture. Therefore, I guess i am rather americanized. Whenever I flick on my TV, its either starworld, axn, discovery, history, mtv etc. Seldom would I scroll to Ch 5, and even if its channel 5 it would be Lost, CSI etc. We have been so used to seeing americans acting for us on TV through out our lives, that we dont' feel so different from them. Maybe because of my americanism that i am studying in a US university. Oh well, but I do wish I can travel down to Warner Bros one day, and be on the ELLEN DEGENERES show!!! and dance with her, because she's hilarious and wacky. Time to go, and plug on the TV, to watch survivor. a CBS entertainment american production! haha.


  1. kelviny =) i'm sure ya granny would be proud of you, cuz u have been such a good kiddo,a nice chap. it would take time to get over such. And for your joy, whoever it is, the person is really lucky to know you. i think its always a pleasure for anyone to know you. But is the person treating you right? we studied in communication that differentiating n conflicts occur in relationships,and both parties muz seek to resolve them remember?

    anyway, I get your point of the comics. On how the mass media has an impact on us. especially, how wide spread and easily available it has gotten. My question posed here, would the western culture alter our perspective and culture in singapore? ;)

  2. Hi LL, thanks for the make me blush lah..I always put my best in whatever role i take be it grandson, or to a project manager etc.haha. Well LL, I am not sure if the person feels the same for me, and regardless of treating me right, that's up to the other party to decide. ya i know conflicts will surface, guess we will work on that. thanks.

    And Yes, i feel that the western dominance has affected our perspective and culture here. So much so that we do not realise that. From the fact that how we use to be so conservative in the past, US influence has opened our minds to many things, good and bad. For example, we have adopted many of the US reality tv shows like american idol to amazing race and even wheel of fortune. And the influx of US products from food to fashion, has made us embrace them readily as the things to consume from the media we received. In the entire Pacific Asia, with regards, to China, Japan, Indonesia, India, Thailand etc, I believe that Singapore is the closest to get being a US affilated country. Unlike the rest of the other countries whereby they have their own sufficient media sources, and own identity, and own language to a certain extent. Like China,mandarin,thailand, thai, etc, we stick with english as our main choice. Though we do adopt the UK system in many ways from law to road layout, I believe that it's the US influence that is priming our way of lives. But if you ask me, I am very fine with that. Because I am happy with my Ellen Degeneres talk shows, to my american idol. After all, US is the super power, and I think it's always practical for a small country like us to have ties with them.

  3. Wotcha kel, I love THE ELLEN SHOW Too! I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your grandma, I guess certain things are just beyond our control, so we will let nature take it's course, at least she went off peacefully like what you told me that day. As for the other problem, is the relationship mutual in the first place? Are there anything that can be done about it? If not, does love still exist? If doesn't, maybe you should move on and find someone else.

    With regards, to the comic...I believe that mass media has played such a critical role in our lives that we can't live without it.But of course, I feel that there are cases, whereby mass media monopolise opinions that lead to the potral of gender,sexual orientation,race,ethnicity, age,disability and so on, changes our perception of who we are, and leading us to discrimminate unknowningly. This is of course wrong! And I believe that we must do something about it.

    ur BFF

  4. Hallo my BFF, =) we shld fly to LA one day, and watch ELLEN live, and hopefully she gives free LCD TVs that day! haha. ya, though she suffered much before that, I am glad that it was rather painless for the whole process.Relationship was once mutual before i guess, I guess things can be done about it, if both parties are willingly to come to a concensus.we will see..

    Yes, i truly agree with ya, the media kinda represent the views of the poweful elite. and it is influenced by those who hold the economic and political power. So in a sense, the media can get biase, when it reflects certain views of the political power. for example, media can potray the men always taking on the high appointment roles, stereotyping the black and only showing the trouble they always get into, etc. Therefore, i feel that it's important that they adopt an impartial approach to everything, to depict an equality among everyone , every human being. Or else, by carrying on this way, would stirr more discrimmination and misconception which is unhealthy!

  5. hey kelvin, sorry to learn bout the demise of your grandma. Bet she's checking you out from above so smile whenever you look up! :D (Be good or she’ll throw Ba Chang on your head from above!)

    Let’s beam our focus on your relationship. Cliché as it may be! The driving point: every relationship is different, and it's what bonds you all bond together in the first place that matters. What works for others may not work on you. (Yours truly, inclusive).

    Now, the serious part. One of the pitfalls for most relationship is not having rational and earnest, talk/think-thru sessions with our partners.
    Relationship I reckon is how we can still surprise each other everyday (positively no less!), and still be hopeless memorized by the qualities our partners exude each time. Qualities that help remind us of the ‘Why’s and the ‘How’s, we decided to get together in the first place.

    Quarrels and misunderstanding helps both the individual and relationship to grow. They are like doctors, who take the pulse of a relationship; giving us insights as to how we are doing and telling us the right time to amputate it. We grow new skin after getting a cut, we wheel ourselves after not being able to walk and we definitely stand taller after stepping out of the problems.

    P/S : Cheers kelvin!!!.

  6. Thanks Milch, will definitely think about what you have said. and hopefully work out the best solutions possible.

  7. Oh man, sorry for your loss. At least she's free of any illness now. And take it easy, alright? :)

    On to happier things...I love the Ellen show too!(Especially in arecent episode where she sang in the bathroom with John Mayer O.O) I still remember the good old days when I had cable TV. It is such an amazing technology that enables us to watch shows from any country(as long as we subscribe to it), even when it is also broadcasting over there. Behold the power of satellites.

    Haha, and when you do attend the Ellen show, tell me and I'll surely tune in! :D

  8. Hello Kelvin,
    I don’t really think to a certain extent that the news media is that bias as I feel it is in the interests of the news organisations to tell the truth. This would only strengthen its credibility, and when it has the trust of its viewers, its viewership will increase. This truth reporting includes digging up dirt on establishments with good reputations, such as the white house as the truth might be many faceted and hard to ascertain with only one perspective. One good example would be the fact that news such as prisoner abuse in the Iraqi or was it afghan prisons and the existence of gauntanamo prison, has been reported and has caused an outcry throughout the world.
    However, it is true that perhaps particular news stations might intentionally report news that is favourable to a particular establishment , but it is therefore the viewers discretion to be discern what to watch and to make an informed choice as to what to believe. There are all kinds of channels and papers in circulation today. For example if one says that a particular news agency is bias, one can always choose to look for another agency, such as Al Jazeera, which gives viewers a middle eastern point of view...
    I feel that the viewer is king who sieves through info... the media is full of info to allow one to make a informed and fair judgement...however the media has other limitations...such as inability to get up to date info...
    Regarding the first comic, Why did saddam lose then if the news is good and he does not need spies?
    Or was it a conspiracy to feed wrong info to Saddam and therefore make him lose the war?

    As for the second comic, it’s rather comical. It testifies to the determination of reporters. However it can be irritating. I mean are paparazzis not shunned by stars as they invade their private lives? The info they gather I feel is rather useless, not like reporting important things like the state of the union, but rather meaningless stuff like the screwed up public life of actors. I mean the cartoon asks God whether the chicken or the egg came first....its a rather not important question, just like paparazzis’ questions.

  9. Hi there..well firstly I would like to say that news organisation do tell the truth to the audience, however, they only bring about facts they feel that the audience would buy. As a result this would obviously lead to higher viewership. I believe that just by focusing on telling viewers what they would wish or like to hear, would show us a certain degree of biaseness on how they filter the information that has been thrown towards them. Of course, it's always good for news organisation to uncover things that have been kept int he dark away from public. On the other hand, we would never know if there's any conspiracy in them uncovering such news in the first place.
    Well with regards to news and media, I guess that there's a scale of how neutral to bias with regards to all the different organisations. However, I would disagree that viewer is king..this is because influence by the media is gradual, cummulative and cultivates indirectly. For example, one may have a neutral opinion of a certain race since young, but after being exposed to countless generes of media, then one would start to think if the race is as bad as portrayed. Just by that thought would indicate subtle influence, and there would be more ahead to come. People who watched more than 2 hrs of television each day, are considered dangerously influence by vices of media.
    I guess Saddam lost the war, not because that the news fed were inaccurate, but simply because he was a dictator, and no one was willing to fight for someone like him. Many soldiers dropped their weapons and flee during the war. He didnt have the support of anyone...and therefore lost without much of a struggle.

    I agree with you that the 2nd comic, ridicules paparazzis to a certain extent, as many of them are just that annoying and persistent. Furthermore they can ask rather brainless questions to feed their viewers with answers. Seemingly, princess diana car crash accident was caused by paparazzis chasing after her.
    I guess in the world of paparazzi there's more to it than meets the eye.

  10. The comic of saddam is quite interesting and it tells us how good our news are. But is there another message you think, because I don’t think there is anymore to this comic and therefore do not really get much from it. The god one is interesting too as it talks about the persistence of our reporters... maybe but I don’t really see the whole picture.

  11. The saddam comic is unique as it extols the greatness and accuracy of news, so much so that saddam would use it to base his strategies. i feel that the print media has come a long way and that it has affect our civilisation invaluably. From the simple cave paintings to the primitive languages of our ancestors, we have changed and transformed the way we convey information and this comic seems to portray our triumph in this aspect where it is seen as accurate enough to be publicised and scrutinised by a global audience. However it should be noted that the medium of the printed word have undergone great changes, such as that of cave wall paintings to that which we browse every morning. The change is great and might be more drastic as we progress and move forward. The next frontier, the virtual might overtake the printed medium and who knows what will come next. Newspapers in the past and now were widely read and assimilated. More so this new virtual medium. With such great speed and availability, it is hard to imagine it going any more advanced, but using history as a example, it could very well be so. Long live technology.

    I feel that the god one is important too, as information need people to dig them out. They have to work in sync with the distributers of information so that there is accuracy and speed in information transmission. The comic testifies to these people’s persistence and is humourous in a way.

  12. The comic about reporters hounding God has got me thinking about the ills of television reporting. Like paparazzis and their like who make a living on invading other people’s privacy. They are really very irritating and adamant. It is quite amazing. But to build a career by digging dirt on others is low.

    I mean reporters who report about abuse, poverty and natural disasters are the true heroes as they risk their lives just to make us more aware of the many problems in our sad world. They deserve to earn the big bucks in reporting, not those who go through other’s rubbish. Sadly, there is a market for such things and the public cant seem to get enough of rich people’s dirt. It’s like they like to see famous people fall. Or maybe we all have a collective inferiority complex, where we cannot stand people being better than us. So we must know about their problems and laugh at them saying that though they are rich and famous, they have this problem that I don’t, and this seems to make people feel better! Despicable. We should all do some reflecting and stopping buying such news!

  13. Hi aaron, well I believe that the are two sides to the reporters world. Nevertheless they are the backbone of mass media, and news communication for us.One side of the reporter's world, is that as you mentioned whereby reporters brave the frontier and report from disaster stricken areas, war zones, poverty. They are the ones that are willing to forgo the comforts of their own deskjob and bring us news that enlighten the people around the world. Whereas the other side of the reporter's world, are those that seek to digg into scandalous issues and gossips in the media world, to satisfy a population of people's appetite for such news. These reporters are the annoying group, whereby they may distort facts, and pester you aggresively to get the information that they want.But, welll i guess that they are just doing their job, because if their material doesnt sell, they wouldnt be still having their jobs right now. I believe it take 2 hands to clap, one for the buyers to dig the information, in order for the other to keep providing more.
