Friday, March 13, 2009


Well, the long-awaited IT fair has arrived. This is usually seen by the long queues of cars jamming it's way into the carpark of Suntec City. Everyone jostles in the crowd to catch a glimpse of what's on sale. Apparently many people have told me the prices there are the lowest you can ever get. Talk about global economic recession, and yet people are still buying laptops and desktops off the shelves. I guess that in era of internet and World Wide Web, it's no wonder that one has to get it computer, as it works hand in hand to achieve what users want. Now to think of it, my computer is 6years old, with a loud whirring fan that irritates me. It's running on a really slow processor and has hardly enough hard drive left to install any programmes. Furthermore, I don't own a laptop too, which makes me ponder if i should head down there tomorrow. Oh well. Nevertheless, I would like to touch about computer mediated communication today thru the wourld of the internet.

Check out the 2 comics below:

The first comic tells us about computer mediated communication at work. It refers to a form of communication which uses computers, networks to relay messages through a platform of communication. This allows access and intereaction between people and databases over the world. The internet allows fast access to information, and provide users a personal identity that no one would know. The content touches on how Mc Cain would like to invade Nigeria on the internet scams. Bascially what happened was, a cyber crime was committed. There have been many instances of fraud through the internet with reference to Nigeria. The fraud always run along the line of needing money for investment whereby, returns would be given back to the investor in a short period of time. This usually involves stating established firms like petroleum company of Nigeria, bank of nigeria etc. This is done via email, and therefore many victims do not know the true identity of the sender. This have led to many Americans falling for the scam. Thankfully, cyber crime leaves cyber prints. Therefore, regardless of what anonymity, the culprits could be tracked down. Though I think Mc Cain wouldn't do such a silly thing, I think he got the US economy to care about.

The second comic tells us about the way internet and computers have affected us. It has become so part of our life, till that the boss rewards his employees with 2 days membership for a webpage. Besides, it also kinda ridicules the fact that, internet and computer has been so important to these people's life that they would take " time-off" in the virtual world than in the real world. Therefore, it has invaded into the world of many people. The virtual world has served many purposes. From getting information to meeting new people. It has been a platform that allows one to let more people to know more about you and vice-versa. It also enables people who have difficulty in relating to people in the real world, to provide them with an opportunity to communicate with others. However, I still abhor the fact of communicating online as it's just so much faster to talk, then put thoughts down in word, not to mention the lack of emotions involved. Unless one really know who he is talking to on the other end, he would really not be able to assume on how is the person feeling. I guess computer mediated communication does has it's limitation to a certain extent. I think we should all excercise some caution with regards to how we see the virtual world. This is because we will never know who were are interacting with on the other end, similarly, we shouldnt get to understand people through this platform, as it would mean less contact with the social world, and would thus be unhealthy.


  1. hey kel, I dont think I can survive without the virtual world. Things like wikipedia, google are so useful for my proj research. And social networks like facebook enables us to get in touch with loved ones, and people we have forgotten. Of course, it won't work for people who have no friends, or can't make it. lol. But do u think that CMC has led to cutting down of social interaction?

  2. hey kel,
    The first cartoon is kinda weird I think. Because if cyber crime is so bad wouldn’t it make more sense to counter these online criminals with better security enforcement? Maybe a special bureau for internet crime, but to wage war on a country, that’s extreme. So I conjecture, maybe the intent of the artist or cartoonist was to make fun of those in power.... I mean it’s really off to wage war on a country just because of someone else’s crime... Or if the intent was to portray the severity of the problem of internet crime, why Nigeria? I m sure there are such syndicates all over the world that try to trick everyone, not only Americans.... so this cartoon is kind of mysterious.....
    The second cartoon portrays the cheapness and miserliness of the boss...kinda like Mr Scrooge. But I feel that the ‘’ thing is mostly, like wat u said- a substitute for real time off that workers who work hard deserve. Yes, the internet is slowly taking over our world. It now substitutes for many leisure and community activities and it is above all at our fingertips- very convenient; too convenient perhaps that we are willing to forgo closer interactions with our peers and log on instead to a world of dubious relationships and that of many contacts but poor personal interaction. Perhaps there are some that value the anonymity of the web as a veil in which to get closer to people one would not commonly or comfortably acquaint with. And there are those that use the internet as escapism. All this being said, I feel that we should not be so quick to condemn the internet as a great evil. Granted, it might contributed to the spread of this new form of isolation or even exacerbate the problem(due to it ‘s undeniable convenience), it is still nonetheless a reflection of what we have become and our evolving culture. The internet was never the problem; just like arms was never the problem. It is the human condition that is the problem, and the downward spiral to isolation via the painfully convenient medium of the internet, the symptom. This is root that we must address.

  3. Hello Kelvin , I must agree that the use of internet is very prevelant now and I cannot imagine myself not using it. The internet offers users a convenient way to get access to a wide range of information. While I was doing relief teaching, I find myself visiting the Wikipedia website so frequently to prepare for my lessons. This is because it is informative and provides answers to alot of my doubts.
    Just as the internet has it advantages, it has its dowside too. Some abuses the use of the internet and engage in cyber-bullying leaving innocent users distraught.In addition, we are also exposed to scams too. While, I think that as internet users, there is no total escape as victims of such abuses isnt it?


  4. Hi DT, well.. I do agree that the virtual world provides us with an abundant of information. It has made our lives easier by saving us trips to the library. The characteristic of CMC is allowing fast access to information, and its mainly textbased. Well, I would say that CMC has not decreased social interaction at all. In fact, not only CMC..but communication base on technology such as through cellphones as well. Instead, I believed that through such technology, it has encouraged interaction and brought commuication to a whole new level. In the past, where interent and cellphones were not widesread, the only means of social interaction was through face to face communication. The introduction of internet has lead to online chatting and social networking which also enables communication too. The widespread use of cellphones has lead to the introduction of text messaging too. In a way, technology and CMC has allowed people to communicate as and when possible, and this give them a more convenient and efficient way to arrange dates with one another, thus encouraging greater chances of social interaction than before. So my stand is that it has in facet, spurred on greater social interaction with people, as it provides greater opportunities to secure platforms of social intereaction.

  5. Hallo there, well yes..there's actually an organisation that monitor the internet activity and enforce security in most countries. And there's an international organisation for that as well.I believ that the true intentions of this comic, is to highlight to us how internet can be abused by others. It wants to remind us the fact how many people fall victims to such crimes, and this wouldnt have happened if the virtual was not established. Furthermore, it also would like to stimulate our thoughts that this may lead on to more political matters resulting in conflict over time.

    I do agree with you that many people dwell in the virtual world for a sense for escapism, and some love the fact of anonymity. It's not that the virtual world is evil too, as it has so many benefits to all of us.It's the people who manipulate the use of internet to achieve despicable goals. Thus, I believe that, the proper excercise of internet should be observed.

  6. hihi jinquan...well, as mentioned earlier..I do agree that interent does have it's perks, by providing easy access to information. As you mentioned about websites like wikipedia. But do note taht wikipedia is an open source form of information.Thereby, anyone can edit the facts as and when they want. Though there's a certain degree of filter and control of whatever it's being put up, it maynot be accurate all the time. Do excercise that with caution, and do not rely totally on it, as it maynot be credible.

    On the other hand, wikipedia also epitomise how advance we have progressed in the virtual world.That so much information can be at our finger tips, and we can have the power to share our knowledge with 6billion in the world, if they have access to the world wide web.

    At the same time, cyber bullying has also portrayed the advances we have taken into the virtual world, whereby communication being so realistic, that bullying is actually possible without even coming into physical contact of the person.Who would have ever thought of that 30yrs ago? So do all the school bullies actually surface in the virutal world since it's much easier for them to get away with their misdoings? haha. Well, i guess for all internet users, we should exercise caution and vigilance so that we will not fall victims to such things.

  7. The first comic is nice and all, but it is quite absurd. Scams do not have so much power. So the probability of going to war is like a stupid notion, suitable for a laugh I think...

  8. Well I feel that the fact that the internet has scams is very distressing indeed. The internet if nothing at all was intended as a instrument as mass communication. It has attained this goal, and much more. But due to the liberty and anonymity of the net, paradoxically, though we have more access to information, it is difficult to ascertain its legitimacy and therefore accuracy. This is only made worst by the fact that it is a global phenomenon. Other problems associated with too much information is the problem of information overload, and that they have a shorter lifespan.

    Also with the fact that the internet is more than just communication. Therefore, scams are terrifying. We trade, talk interact, do business online and therefore there is so much more do lose to scams than just incorrect information communication. We can have a second life online and it has also been another form of personal release and escapism. It affects us psychologically and socially and therefore such things when coupled with the problems of scams are very dangerous. So the comic is talking about the dangers of scams and they are real dangers. Though told in a lighter note, it is anything but light. But in response to ur comment, yes they do have great power!!

  9. Hi, this is in regards to the second comic with the boss giving out the membership of a website. Maybe it is not such bad idea after all as many people do go online to de-stress or just relax. The boss might be seen as an up to date leader who uses to his advantage, and is aware of the new and emerging technologies. If it helps bring pleasure, I don’t think it is absurd. I mean it is not uncommon for parents to reward their children with games like World Of Warcraft or the previously famous game DOTA( Defence Of The Ancients) after they have deemed that they are deserving, maybe they have done well in school... Maybe working adults don’t fancy such games ( some verily do), but there are other existing games. The analogy is the same.
    We fear that this might take people from the real world and let them live their lives behind a veil of anonymity and less human interaction. But this is an extreme, just as people felt that the newspaper might go out of use due to new digital media. I mean we must not just think of the worst outcomes that can occur, but try to have a balanced view of new technologies and breakthroughs on society and social life. I mean there are benefits to anonymity, as people might try new things, things they previously had been too ashamed to try, within the safety of the anonymous internet. Or introvert people might actually benefit from less direct human interact and try one step at a time, before coming face to face with another person. Yes, it might be true that people do get hooked on the internet, but the internet is still not without its benefits and helpfulness.
    I feel that if the website the boss proposes is really helpful and not just a miserly attempt to reward hard work, I fell the employees should be grateful.

  10. hallo dear happypea, well I do agree with you that his employees may actually been delighted that they are rewarded through the cyberworld platform.I guess the boss doesnt understand his employees really well, and they are probably a bunch of people who spends most of their leisure time surfing the virtual world. Therefore, to them, the greatest reward is to have privileges on the virtual world.Therefore, i guess the boss pleases them this way.Perhaps this comic would want to emphasize the influence and importance the virtual world plays in our life.So much so that employees are contented with non-monetary rewards like online memberships.I support your point of view that, the internet wouldnt replace the newspaper nor will it cause a cease in human interaction. For a small minority, it may reduce them to only communicating through the internet.But for the majority of us, the internet is soley another platform for communication which is a novelty to us.But wouldnt reduce the face-to-face interaction. We are social creatures, we can't merely survive on the internet.and i guess being the boss, and understanding his employees is a must.I am sure he would have given them something beneficial. =)
