Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Deflated, Inflated Reflated

Well, my coms group members are suffering from post project syndrome. They have been complaining to me that they do not know how to spend the rest of the time that has been freed from the end of the project. The 4 hours long meeting on weds and fris, and the 5hrs long intensive sessions each day as the deadline drew near had already been history. But, well they all miss the all so familiar get togethers and chit chat sessions. They feel lost with nothing else to look forward to. I guess I get rather teary as well, as I am what that makes this group so united I guess. Nevertheless, it's been a wonderful journey. At the moment, I have been juggling quite a few things at a time. From the meeting of the needs of my dementia grandfather, to the handling of housechores that the new maid is oblivious about. sigh.not forgetting meeting deadlines and trying to mantain relationships with loved ones and people. I believe that I will get stronger by the end of the day. More hardy, more experienced. Haven been to the theatre since last Dec. I have soooo many movies I would like to watch - Slumdog Millionaire, The Tale Of Benjamin Button, Watch Man, Push, IP Man, Street Fighter, Coming Soon, Let the right one in, and the list goes on. I think it's partly caused by the reviews on all the different movies in my COMs moduel. OF COURSE, definitely the upcoming x-man origins, transformers, terminator...OH MY GOODNESS....i feel so behind time... =( jw, we better start our movie outings again, jin n pl i wana watch a 3D flick? KL...its coming to april...I soooo hope u r doing fine out that...i haven heard from ya for some time..u ok? erm..I want u to come back and eat at glutton bay with me...deep fried squids, sambal stingray? u better come back alive, i m sure u wld learnt a trick or 2 frm the army rite....I am waiting to feast with ya...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

random thoughts...oh so random...

well, i spent the day, sending my beloved maid to the airport. she has worked 4 yrs in my household, and has indeed been a really good worker. I don't see her as a maid, but more of a friend whom does housechores for me.Having so much laughter and talk, and yet sometimes, venting my frustration on her doings, all make me feel that I have owed her so much. I always thought that maids are really respectable. For coming to a land so foreign, and meeting physical demands to earn a meagre salary. So i told myself, i had to push away all appointments regardless whoever the person was, to be there and send her home. yes, she has decided to return back to her home country, and it's something that we can't stop, as it would be selfish for us to do so.

Spent the day at home with my grandfather. He has lost his senses, and needs someone to give him directions. Just spent an hr helping him to bathe and he feels fresh and happy now i guess. He doesn't even know how to bathe, ya that bad eh...well, it seems that i do not have much time to attend to my social life these days with all these things breathing up my neck..oh well, it's time for more management. yesterday, was the end of my long-awaited oral presentation on cameras for my comms module also known as Shumi Gumi group. Well, i hoped everyone lurved it. My group members were really brilliant and capable, and i feel so lucky to have them around. What makes it more touching was the after notes and emails they sent when it was all over..well done guys. and i would like to share a small excerpt, written by one of them:

"How many hours, days and weeks has it been? No matter, duration does not play any significance. Words alone can't quite convey all my feelings, but here's my pathetic attempt nonetheless:Despite me being an obnoxious, rude, vulgar, in-your-face, judgmental, critical, gaming-while-discussing asshole, YOU always shut an eye, grit and bear without personal grudge (i hope (: ). Time spent with you guys makes me want to take the first bus to school everyday. Time spent with you guys makes me burst out of ESL 407 straight into the student lounge. Time spent with you guys makes me da pao my food to attend meetings. The laughter, groans, moans, smiles, crazy antics and comfortable silence we shared - will forever be cherished by me.
Kelvin - your leadership and patience never ceased to amaze me. You keep a calm disposition and strong focus on the work at hand but they never get in your way of sharing a good laugh. On top of which, you present genuine concern for others despite of your own troubles. You're a strong person and I truly admire you in many ways. Not to forget your superior dramatics and creative mind, you have brought our project great success and I must say I enjoyed every strenuous sessions we had to get it down. For all this I thank you and am grateful to have made your acquaintance. HELL, You're a GREAT FRIEND!"

Thanks so much to you, for making all of this come true as well.. god bless you and our proj presentation. it's the combined effort of everyone that makes us so unique and strong. thanks for appreciating me as much as i have appreciated u as well. well done well done and well done again. i love all u guys.....god speed.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Well, the long-awaited IT fair has arrived. This is usually seen by the long queues of cars jamming it's way into the carpark of Suntec City. Everyone jostles in the crowd to catch a glimpse of what's on sale. Apparently many people have told me the prices there are the lowest you can ever get. Talk about global economic recession, and yet people are still buying laptops and desktops off the shelves. I guess that in era of internet and World Wide Web, it's no wonder that one has to get it computer, as it works hand in hand to achieve what users want. Now to think of it, my computer is 6years old, with a loud whirring fan that irritates me. It's running on a really slow processor and has hardly enough hard drive left to install any programmes. Furthermore, I don't own a laptop too, which makes me ponder if i should head down there tomorrow. Oh well. Nevertheless, I would like to touch about computer mediated communication today thru the wourld of the internet.

Check out the 2 comics below:

The first comic tells us about computer mediated communication at work. It refers to a form of communication which uses computers, networks to relay messages through a platform of communication. This allows access and intereaction between people and databases over the world. The internet allows fast access to information, and provide users a personal identity that no one would know. The content touches on how Mc Cain would like to invade Nigeria on the internet scams. Bascially what happened was, a cyber crime was committed. There have been many instances of fraud through the internet with reference to Nigeria. The fraud always run along the line of needing money for investment whereby, returns would be given back to the investor in a short period of time. This usually involves stating established firms like petroleum company of Nigeria, bank of nigeria etc. This is done via email, and therefore many victims do not know the true identity of the sender. This have led to many Americans falling for the scam. Thankfully, cyber crime leaves cyber prints. Therefore, regardless of what anonymity, the culprits could be tracked down. Though I think Mc Cain wouldn't do such a silly thing, I think he got the US economy to care about.

The second comic tells us about the way internet and computers have affected us. It has become so part of our life, till that the boss rewards his employees with 2 days membership for a webpage. Besides, it also kinda ridicules the fact that, internet and computer has been so important to these people's life that they would take " time-off" in the virtual world than in the real world. Therefore, it has invaded into the world of many people. The virtual world has served many purposes. From getting information to meeting new people. It has been a platform that allows one to let more people to know more about you and vice-versa. It also enables people who have difficulty in relating to people in the real world, to provide them with an opportunity to communicate with others. However, I still abhor the fact of communicating online as it's just so much faster to talk, then put thoughts down in word, not to mention the lack of emotions involved. Unless one really know who he is talking to on the other end, he would really not be able to assume on how is the person feeling. I guess computer mediated communication does has it's limitation to a certain extent. I think we should all excercise some caution with regards to how we see the virtual world. This is because we will never know who were are interacting with on the other end, similarly, we shouldnt get to understand people through this platform, as it would mean less contact with the social world, and would thus be unhealthy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

a bunch of love

Strangely, in the past 2 days, 4 of my relatives in my extended family, both my paternal and maternal side, joined the ranks of my grandmother, and passed away. hmm, i guess life is just fragile these days, and who knows it could be my turn anytime soon? well, i guess after my accting exam, things have gotten slightly better. And I am much relaxed and happier, till they throw me another quiz or exam nxt. I have also sorted things out, more or less. I am sorry things went that wrong, I assure you that it won't happen again cuz I understand better...really..
And I got a party this sat nite to attend to.lotsa good food and drinks await..i hope i can find time to go out on sat..hmm...proj presenation is nxt fri. we will prevail.....................

to kl- hang in there, remember what i told ya, obstacles just make us grow stronger, don't detest them, cherish them for making u wiser.

to - u r not alone in this world ;) always....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mass Communication and Globalisation (COM)

This blog entry is dedicated to my late grandma who passed away peacefully on the 05 March 2009, at 5.45pm. She's 81 this year. She has been a strong woman, battling diabetes, kidney failure and an in-curable eye condition called glaucoma that led her to become blind. She makes really good rice dumpling aka bak chang, and will be dearly miss. God bless her soul.

This 2 weeks have been dreadful with 2 midterms and one quiz. Adding on to another midterm next mon. This week especially with the death of my grandma, and the sudden decision with the giving up of one of the joy i have known. I guess with so many problems to cope with, hitting me here and there, the volcano just erupted. to the person, i have tried my best to be the best. I am also thinking deeply these couple of days to make a choice. I think the choice for me, is the choice that would make me happy, because it's my life, my decision and shouldnt be wavered by the opinions or view of the people surrounding me. I think it should go to you too. really.
And i really missed the copying of homework , and the part where you keep seeking the enlightenment of physics..... but we shall see...

And so over that, where i continue to ponder on. I shall talk about something today.First check out the comic below:

and the next one below to :

well, what do the 2 comics have in common? yes, it relates to mass media. And in particular, reporting and news telecasting and print, in this case. Well, the first comic, relates to a much past event with regards to the Late Saddam Hussein, which depicts about how indepth is the coverage of the war by news media companies that the dictator don't have to hire spies to track the movement of the enemy forces. And in the 2nd comic, it's a clear cut meaning of how a reporter attempts to get the answer out from God about regarding the chicken and the egg. Media messages play a very important part in our everyday life. They are directed to large heterogeneous groups can come from complex organisations that has specialised individuals creating them. And with regards, to news media, their main purpose is to inform and raise the importance of an issue in the public's mind. In the case of the first comic, we have CNN, US and Europe newspapers in the picture. We all know that CNN is a news media company that is focus on reporting US news, and it is widely recieved globally. Therefore, it can be so readily be viewed by Saddam himself. Furthermore, CNN had live reporters that travcelled with the US army that constantly gave 24hr report on troops movement. Similarly, so does the print media of the newspaper companies that distribute the papers globally which Saddam can get his hands on. The news media potrays these events basically to show western domination in particular US to the world. It shows how the US stamps out one of the most feared dictator, and indirectly tells us that they are still the super power of the world. Besides, the news media company would have to be selective and potray all the good sides of the US, as they have to represent what the world percieves the US power, and at the same time, make the White House adminstration look good. The comic also somewhat ridicule the news media company of doing such a good job in giving insides of the war to the public that Saddam dont even need to waste a spy to study the troops movement. It's somewhat rather suggestive as well. But I really think it's very creative.
As for the 2nd comic, it answers the long time question of whether the egg came first or the chicken. And it dates back to the time of evolution where no one could figure out too. Therefore, a reporter and his camera man finds god to gets the question answered. Well, why do most people consume the news media? One reason that it sells, is because they address problems, and seek answers to what the public wants to know. On the other hand, they can create a way of looking at the world that eventually becomes a commonly held view. The comic, shows how the reporter attempts the impossible to get the answer to the widely sort after question so that he can get back to the public. The cartoonist wants to potray the importance of how reporters need to satisfy the public's thirst to what they want in order to be a good broadcasting news company. But of course, I believe that the public should be given a general dose of everything and not only things that would concern them. Thanks to media globalisation, we can have access through all the different news channels. At the same time, we can see western dominance overwhelming our TV channels where most of the shows played are from the US. For example, quite a number of countries buy the right to play American Idol in their country, but nobody buys the right to air Singapore Idol? I grew up in the world of MTV, american idol and wheel of forture. Therefore, I guess i am rather americanized. Whenever I flick on my TV, its either starworld, axn, discovery, history, mtv etc. Seldom would I scroll to Ch 5, and even if its channel 5 it would be Lost, CSI etc. We have been so used to seeing americans acting for us on TV through out our lives, that we dont' feel so different from them. Maybe because of my americanism that i am studying in a US university. Oh well, but I do wish I can travel down to Warner Bros one day, and be on the ELLEN DEGENERES show!!! and dance with her, because she's hilarious and wacky. Time to go, and plug on the TV, to watch survivor. a CBS entertainment american production! haha.