Saturday, May 8, 2010

One sem down 2more to go...

Well, I know I havent been blogging for ages..I guess everything has just been a mad rush for spring sem. Never have I felt so drained n so tired during the last leg of the sem. Oh God, thanks to motivation by a few pple, and God's help..I guess..I made it through. The deficit of lack for rest from the past 3 consecutive sems have been pile-ing up. Gosh, n summer sch is coming up in a week's how how?! sigh..n there's like homework that needs to be handed up on the first day of sch. I am really sick of having to start everything all over again...Looking at my friends ard me, they seem to have a much better and relaxed life..regrets? well, I would be in the workforce much earlier than them.

I dreamt of my grandpa recently. I realised that 2 more months would conclude his 1 yr death anniversay...I miss you grandpa. I miss your presence and cuteness..and I love you so much for everything you have done for me. Time flies. I din really make any solid resolutions this year. I wondered if I should have though. Recently, life has made me been enlightened of many things. I m starting to realise who likes me, who cares, and who deeply loves me, and who are the sincere people. they are definitely not many, but I feel that I would want to be the best for them. I would also want to be the the best for you..if you r meant to be the you...

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