Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sun-days afternoon

Well, its sunday afternoon..its really SUN-day..the sun is out and bright, heating up our tropical island. This is usually the time I wish we had climate of 22degrees celcius, and I can walk out happily without the need of applying sun-block or using an umbrella. Yea,i m kinda photo-sensitive...nt my fault, long story for another day..So I am stuck at home, with the air-conditioning blowing down my neck, and looking thru some vietnam war museum photos from facebook. I could bearly read on, as they were describing how the US personnel tortured the POWs. Sigh, so in-humane and brutal. How could a human do this to a fellow human? This is ridiculous...

This reminds me of the movie I watched recently, law-abidding citizen. And I realise that our law system is very in the law system all over the world. I guess this movie really got me thinking..Criminals are allowed to walk free from court-rooms if they can hire good lawyers that can prove them innocent in front of the jury or judge. It's what u can prove in court, and not what you are guilty of. And logically speaking, what gives another human a right whether you get to live or die? Or get 10yrs of imprisonment or 21 strokes of the cane?! Who is he? just someone else who has more education and training than you, is that it? He could be blinded,mis-guided, or bias right? I guess in my perception, only GOD, our creator, has the right to decide if i get to live or die, and not some human, who is a specialist in his field, but could more leading a more screwed up life, less enlightened about the values of life etc than me, to decide my fate. Strangely, when they say there's justice in the law system, to me, I guess there's no justice at all. Its just base on luck and skill. After all, I guess judges are very judgemental aint it?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

the success of avatar...

Well, so I managed to watch avatar at last..hmm, what can i say? erm..lotsa blue creatures and jellyfish-like stuff floating thru the whole movie? my friend said tt losta pple in states came down with depression after watching the flick, because they wanted to go to the land of pandora. I was like, WHAT?! the place is so darn boring..but anyways, i think james cameron is brilliant! He created something outta nothing, and made it so real and realistic. You have to respect this old dog, who made the top grossing movie like dun-knw-how-many years back, and came back after a super long break with another record grossing flick. HE's not ur everyday director. I guess the movie was so high budget until he didnt hire any A-list stars, like tom cruise, brad pitt, etc. But I guess his plan worked well, because pple were more into the CGI. Though, I nearly dozed off thru some part of the flicks because I tot it was un-necessary, but I guess, it got me up again during the big fight, which was heart wrenching to see so many pple dying for nothing. sigh. I hate leaving theatres with that 'kek' feeling in the heart, aka heartache. But, I guess tt's what a lot of movies are these days...So avatar is off my list, now I m thinking of hichiko.

So I spent the day revising for my accounting for I have quiz nxt wed! 2nd quiz of the sem. bravo..and more to come.Grammys up n coming ths mon. I am looking forward. Able to catch it LIVE cuz I dont have classes.yippee. I think Lady Ga-Ga and Alicia Keys will bag something. Bought my mum a bday gift yesterday, well she's quite happy with it. That's great....Becuz I had a hard time looking for a gift lah..I am more acquainted with buying gifts for guys tho.
Lotsa things running thru my mind tho, and i realise that there are so many things which I wana put right, but these things are major problems that cant be solved over-nite. sigh, the strive to move on with god's help and achieve my passion..nothing is going to stand in my way!!! LOL..and no back to revising accting..
A run beckons after tt...heh

Thursday, January 28, 2010

CNY approaches

Was looking thru the calendar, and realised tt CNY is less than 2 weeks away!!!!! Strangely, I dont feel much zealous abt it as compared to Christmas...maybe its because of my western broughtup, or maybe because my grandparents are no longer around to add that chinese touch to it..or maybe i m really old..22..does tt count? lol..I miss those days where we had CNY celebs in school. I guess thats when you really feel the mood. You get to see ya sch getting all decoated up, and doing CNY related stuff during ur arts classes.. Boy I guess we have all surpassed that..Tho, I do feel like dropping back my sch during their cny celeb just to busk in that nostalgic feeling again...

Yesterday, I took a new route home..thanks to a friend who stays at alijunied, so he dropped me off near his place, and I took a bus from there to east, he drives, and quite fast tt reduces my bus train bus journey duration by quite a bit..Was totally lost again during Cost Accounting today. I guess its the same for everybody. It always seems tt he's smoking his way thru the lesson, teaching us something he doesnt know..hmm..I wonder how to deal with his exams..sigh..

Well, finally, hopefully, n tt everything goes well, I m going to get Avatar 3D tmrw! finally! God seem to have been very reluctant to make me watch the flick for the past 4 times I tried. It's either theatre seats all taken up, person has watched it alrdy, person drags me to go somewhere else with him cuz he dislikes watching blue people dancing ard, or some last min assignment cropped up. The most sway thing that can happen tmrw is.....better not say..later it comes true..I hope this movie lives up to its expectation or I would want a refund from Cathay or James Cameron. Its my mother's birthday tmrw! Happy Birthday mummy! =) Thanks for all your love and care all these years. *hugs*

I just discovered tt jessie, my lovey durvey doggie, doesnt like to drink Luo Han Guo drink, cuz I fed her some today..apparently the herbal thing, just doesnt go well with dogs..but then again, u never really knw what they put in those stuff, its all black n murky anyway..alrite, time to go...i wana go kick some zombies ass for l4d 2, before turning in..nite nites.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Juz a day...

Well econs today..was rather a breeze.. managed the paper in less than half the stipulated time..the other half was spent checking my answers with my nah, I didnt do that..the prof was prancing ard the entire lecture theatre..besides, she jumbled up the questions...strangely, I don't feel any zest for anything this's suppose to be a better year than last year? well, I dont knw, maybe I haven met that special one to love unconditionally yet..hmmm...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Empire State Of Mind

New Yooooork, concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There's nothing you can do.....!!!!

Well, after looping this song a couple of times over my Iphone. I have kinda set up my mind to make an effort to attempt to get a job in NYC and experience what it is like there. After all, like what my Prof said, once you settle down there, you wouldnt feel like coming back. Its the heart of the financial market, and hopefully my US accounting degree shld prove useful and relevant. Nevertheless, I believe its a place where the best of the best thrive, and in order to make it there, I have to aim to be the best right now. sigh, that means less shopping n movies, more days spent at home..