Thursday, February 5, 2009

Going Green....(COM)

Well, it's almost coming to the end of Chinese New Year, and my supply of pineapple tarts and bak kwa are indeed depleting. This is absolutely astonishing, when I haven't got a chance to reach out to them due to my busy schedule. Must have been my grandpa then. I always feel that we should have longer holidays for CNY and X'mas as we spent weeks preparing for this festive ocassion, and it just boils down to nothing after a day or two. I spent hours sending out greeting cards, and decorating up my room every year, so I think a longer holiday would do me justice! haha, and I am sure most people won't mind either. Actually left my folder in the lecture theatre today! How frustrating it is, to reach home and to realise that all my notes are not with me, and at the expense of the caretaker's mercy! I pray that she's nice this as it's chinese new year, and just leave it where it is,so that i can collect it tomorrow.

In other news, I came across this comic strip that I would love to share with all you people out there.

I found this pretty hilarious, especially the one with the botox. We all know that in order to project a good image, people who are chosen to appear on magazine covers or posters are often subjected to the extreme-makeover treatment. They get their hair done up by famous hairstylists, face done up by beauticians, sponsored with designer clothes. We can actually infer that the writer's perception is that anyone whom is to appear on adverts or posters have to look 'perfect' and extremely attractive.This can be clearly seen through the ways she potray Grath going through all the makeovers. However, I believe its also partly due to the mental workframe of humans that we are wired to assume that all people on posters should be good-looking. And its our selection process that would occur in us, whereby we would subsciously discard posters that are appearing all around us, until someone goodlooking appears in it and we would take a closer look. We humans clearly have the perception that models appear on posters, which we have the prototype or idealised versions in our mind, that has been embedded in us, that models = goodlooking.And even if Grath isn't a model, he would be subjected to all forms of 'torture' to make him goodlooking enough to be poster boy. If not, nobody would bat an eyelid when they come across the poster, and the poster wouldn't be able to deliver it's real message. However this is the secondary message that comes across this comic. The primary would be discussed soon enough.Nevertheless, we are understand that the walruses are fat juicy creatures with lots of insulating fats all over their body to keep them warm from the cold climate. The excess skin to store the fat is actually what that caused the wrinkles, and not due to old age.
Though we can all have a good laugh at this comic strip, I think there's a very important messeage brought forward to us, which to play an active role against global warming. There are many methods in communication for environmentalist to get the messeage across to people. The first method is to hit on the harsh reality by bring on the bare facts to readers, this is usually appealing to the people's pathos and logos. For example, how most of the coral reef around the world is dying, how the amount of NON-BIODEGRADABLE rubbish is piling up and nothing is being done about it and many more, which points the finger back at us. These facts are supported by gruesome terrifying photos that leave deep impressions. 1 year back, Nobel Prize Winner Al Gore produced a documentary film called An Inconvenient Truth. It depicts the constant damage humans are doing to the environment. Armed with statistics and bare facts, he definitely left an important message to audience leaving the theatre. He made the film to educate, to leave a message, and not to entertain. And he did communicate effectively using a social constructive perspective in which viewers have not been able to understand the drastic effects of global warming through direct experience.Only expertise in their various fields or victims of tsunamis etc would have gone through it. Thereby he brings the facts to us, and process the information for it to be easily understood across different cultures and races. Similarly this comic strip, would want to touch on the lighter note of our emotions. With humour and entertainment, it wants to tell us that it is possible for Garth to be extinct in the near future if we do not do something to global warming. By applying humour, she's able to break the barrier of culture, race and religion, regardless who you are, as long as one understands the eng language, she is able to relate and communicate her message across effectively,as humour is universal,and everyone can laugh to it.Looking at the natural disasters in the past few years, we know that there's something wrong with the climate. And many people are still not bothered with it. Well I can understand to a certain extent that many people around the world are having problems with the economic crisis, and medical problems etc. They are so pre-occupied with handling problems and making ends meet, that caring for the environment would be the last thing on their mind. In our education system, all students are required to study geography which teaches about pollution and global warming. Strangely I believe many students do apply or practice what they learnt, they are studying it to make it through the exams! I have seen students throwing drink cans away into dustbins, when the recycling bin was just next to it. Is there a failure in our education system, that many are just studying to PASS and move on the NEXT LEVEL of education? I truly agree. In Singapore, I truly believe that most people would be able to make sense of what this comic strip says, or the meaning behind inconvenient truth, simply because they were EDUCATED about it before. But it would just slip off their mind the next minute.

I think this happens because our government is not putting enough effort to fight climate change. They are not encourage people to do so, and definitely not promoting the ways to stop global warming. This is results in their own people, us, not bothering much, despite the fact how well comics, movies posters, are able to commuicate their meaning across to us. Firstly, we don't see commercials on local TV to cut down on the use of energy, rubbish or paper. Ironically we see celebrities endorsing food products, cars, air-conditioning; items that are constantly adding to our carbon footprint, and not telling us to take public transport to cut carbon emission or say NO to plastic bags etc. The Land Transport Authority limits the import of diesel automotives, and place high road taxes on anyone who wishes to purchase a diesel vehicle.Is this a way of promoting environmental friendliness? Let it be know that diesel engines emit less pollution and enables vehicles to travel further per litre.It gives more power and torque too! If i were to purchase a car, it would definitely be hybrid or diesel. In europe and US, citizens get to choose whether they want vehicles in petrol or diesel drive. And majority choose the latter as it is more economical and environmental friendly! You have diesel driven Volvos to Toyotas and Mercedes. And they claim that road taxes and ERPs are meant to reduce the number of cars on the road, which is good for the environment. I think both platforms don't address the situation because people would still get cars, and introducing such would just make it more difficult for them to make ends meet in this high cost living country. First step of a green environment would be cut cost on public transport, and make hybrid/diesel vehicles more affordable to the masses. The other thing that I use to laugh about is the fact that they introduced the system of paying for plastic bags on wed. I mean I applaud the idea of doing away with plastic bags, but the fact that is put forward here is, " bring your own bag, or pay 10ct to get a plastic bag". What are they trying to mean here? Why can't we just do away with the plastic completely? The irony here is, well it's ok..just pay 10cents, and you get a plastic bag, and just forget about saving the environment. I think knowing how affluent Singaporeans are, $2 worth of plastic bags would mean nothing to them. I think it would be more appropriate to up the rate to $10 per plastic bag, that would be more effective. I feel that thanks to education and the media, people are environmentally aware of what's going on here. But the crux is you can't just be mentally aware to stop climate change! you have to be environmentally active too! And this can only be achieved if the government promotes and encourages this in various forms of media and campaigns. They have to start with changing the perception of the people, in order for more progess to be made.I hope more things can be done. For now, i will just wait and see. Well, I have got to go tol Cold Storage to get some groceries now,and of course I won't forget my biodegradable fibre cloth bag! Hope you bring yours the next time too! =)

One more comic strip below to cheer YOU up for the day!

Use Paper Wisely!


  1. Yo whatsupp Kel!!!
    Well…about the article…its cute.
    Anyway, nowadays, everything from condoms to religion is being advertised. It’s not surprising that environmental issues are deemed able to bring forth the message to a wider audience via advertisement. I feel it kinda testifies to the power and number of advertisements we face everyday. We get bombarded by so many advertisements that important information and news (such as that of global warming) do not seem to reach us as efficiently as a well placed advertisement. This is rather alarming as the state of the planet is at stake and this information needs to compete with other mundane advertisements JUST to be noticed….How weird it is that the destruction of our planet and thus our lives by our own hand needs to be publicized.

    But global warming is not something people are proud of and frankly….the topic is BORING. So it is not surprising it does not have a large fan club…..

    I don’t really think that fighting climate change is our fight.
    We are only a small dot…and all that associated crap about our minute size etc. and this gives us a very valid excuse to not really do anything! We do not contribute much to it anyway…..
    Ask those industrializing giants - China and India to stop first (if not, what’s the point of us doing it?)…. By hey this is all politics…I mean it’s so easy for us- and all the developed countries to point the finger at them when the US and Europe have ALREADY industrialized a long time ago and thus have contributed generously to global warming in the past…. Besides, China and India have really poor people and industrialization can really better their lives…who are we to stop them?

    On a lighter note…

    Maybe this article is to laugh at the extent it takes to get our attention fixed on important information that even the characters on the comic have to be like those on commercial advertisements- plastic(botox using) and not completely truthful.
    Maybe the added humor is to gain more attention and compete better with the other advertisements for viewership….

    Go figure….

  2. Hmm Kelvin, I have the same sentiment as you too. To me i feel that more can be done both individually and collectively to save the environment. Look at the recent economic meltdown, Certificates of Entitlements(COE) for cars drop to as low as S$1. While this only encourages the public to purchase cars. Very obviously, there is a conflict of interest between saving the environment and doing the same for the economy. Well, both rarely go hand in hand.
    I definately agree with Kelvin that most people dont practice or apply what they learn in their Geography lessons outside the classroom. Most study Geography just to get good grades or just because they have to take a humanities subject for the O Level. I will not think about what I have learnt in lesson before i decide whether to throw an empty can into a recycle bin or the dustbin. However, on the positive note, being exposed to such lessons will at least allow the citizens to become environmentally aware which is the first step to becoming environmentally active.
    Well during a recent article, it was reported that Starbucks outlets in Singapore itself were wasting millions of dollars of water each year. That is because, these outlets leave the tap on throughout the working hours to sterilize the utensils thoroughly.While, they stopped doing so after investigators stepped in and reports stating that turning off the tap when there are no customers around could achieve almost equal results. While Kelvin, what is your take on this??

    Peter chiu

  3. As a matter of fact, the world is undergoing constant climate changes. From the Ice Age about 20,000 years ago to the so-called Global warming now. However, the government and the environmental agencies had packaged "Global Warming" into some sort of a threat to ward off industries which are producing too much greenhouse gases.

    Such "Global warming" threats have led to a negative impact to developing countries. Government officials have set limitation to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, production costs increases as more revenue is invested on research to reduce such emission.

    From the movie" The Day After Tomorrow", it is great to see the movie addresses the issue about global warming. On the contrary, such rapid climate changes and another ice age depicted on the movie is impossible. Critics of the movie have hinted that such movies have political agenda rather to educate the public about the harms of global warming.

    Moreover, greenhouse gases produced from agriculture, e.g. rearing of cows, is much more when compared to that of factories. The irony is that government cannot stop such agriculture, as there is a constant need of beef and dairy products for human consumption.

    So are the environmental researchers giving us the real facts about " Global warming"? Is the hole in the ozone layer getting bigger? No one is sure about that.


  4. ello! kel...

    seriously i prefer u add a chatbox so we can drop messages...

    but urs looks more like a proper formal journal

  5. Hi there, to the chap who thinks the article is cute, and so am I. Well I do take on your point that we should focus more on getting the larger nations like China and India to fight global warming, as they are the main polluters in the world. However, I disagree on the point that being a pin-prick on the map, we shouldn’t make the effort to do some, and lay back to see the world get wasted. We mustn’t forget that we do occupy a plot of land on this earth, regardless the size, and therefore it’s our duty to also take on a “green” approach in stopping global warming. We must always understand to fight global warming, is a combined effort and everyone has to get involved, all the 6 billion of us. On the other hand, yes, it’s true that China and India are on their path of industrialization. However, I am not saying that they don’t have a right to progress as they are contributing to global warming. They should industrialize in an environmentally friendlier way. US and Europe had contributed their share of pollution many decades ago, but we must understand that technology was primitive back then, and thus they are ignorant and incapable to reduce emissions or dispose waste properly. But we must also remember that their step into industrialization at that time, have led to the technologically advance state that they are in now, which allows them to share the technology with China and India. Thus, China and India are allowed to industrialize by all means , but they should employ green technology such as using renewable resources, reducing emissions from power stations by installing scrubbers and filters, adopt safe and proper disposal of toxic wastes. And of course, regarding the advertisement, yes, I agree with you that the author is trying to use humor to gain more attention, so that global warming, as what you said, wouldn’t be such a boring topic to touch on.

  6. Hey Pete,
    While i do not think that Starbucks outlet should carry out such environmental unfriendly practices. They are overly engrossed in ensuring the safety of their consumers, thereby inadvertently use up precious water so scarce in Singapore unnecessarily. Even environmentalists wrote in to the Straits Times to chatise them for such unthoughtful acts towards the environment. I do not really patronize Starbucks outlets (I do coffebean and random cafes instead) so it actually came as a surprise to me that such practices are being used.
    While since there are reports that hygiene will not be compromised even when the tap is not continuosly turned on, it is only right for Starbucks outlets to accede the authorities call to make effort in saving water. While one should not forget the fact that we are still not totally independent in our water supply. I think that it is good that such practices are brought up through channels like The Straits Times so that such pratices can be retified. We should act when it is still early and not wait till a state of disenchantment before we start to act.

  7. Hey there Peng, It was nice of you to drop by. Congrats on your ORDing by the way. Well, I do agree with you that agriculture do contribute to global warming. But, it's something that we can't really help, as food is required to sustain the human life. Yes, cows do give off lots of green house gases, nevertheless, many agriculture farms have made use of their livestock manure especially cows to produce methane gas. This is done by storing large amount of their manure in tanks that are decomposed by organic matter. In turn, methane gas is produced for cooking and heating. Thus, scientists are still inventing ways to try to work things out in a more environmentally way.

    As for the movie, day after tommorrow. I thought that it was a very good way of educating the public on the environmental problem. it appeals to their emotions and logical reasoning. I don't see it as much of a political agenda, if tha'ts the case, don't you think the An Inconvenient Truth with main star - senator Al Gore, would deem to be more political? I believe there should be more of such documentary flicks on screen.

  8. hey kelvin,
    What audience do u think that this comic is intended for? I feel that many people can read this and should be able to understand the meaning as we all live on the same planet earth, which is threatened by the same threat- global warming. I mean could it be that people nowadays don’t really bother about global warming because they are really oblivious to it? Or have they been constantly reminded but not heeding?

  9. Again I feel that this comic or in any other communication is culture specific... not everyone understands English and not everyone might know that people who are usually going to appear on television need to look their best. This comic assumes that you know about the practise of television people. Also, animals can’t talk, much less go television. Even the humour intended has to be culture specific as it touches upon the fact that our culture is very beauty conscious and that we subscribe to a specific kind as beauty (the perfection without blemish, slender and lean variety as opposed to maybe fat Ghana women who are thought to be gorgeous in their respective culture). And so when in front of a lot of people, one must look, perfect; without blemish.

    So the culture and audience this comic is intended would probably be the English speaking proportion of the world that are semi Americanised, as they can identify with the use of botox and looking one’s best. This particular audience is probably chosen as they are perceived to wield most political power for change; or in this case, to help fight global warming.

    I think that people have been constantly reminded, this audience especially. Global warming issues are on the tele, on the papers and magazines and online. They cannot hide from this issue. They are bombarded on all sides by various forms of communication of such information, every day, and if they are not heeding, then they are not heeding. Perhaps other ways should be used, such as this comic has employed- the use of humour, hopefully to gain a larger audience.

  10. Do u think that animals really know wat is happening to them and their habitat, as seen in them staring in their own commercial to stop climate change?

  11. It is just interesting to put humanness into non human things, such as animals. I feel that doing so is a reflection on how we view ourselves and the world. Of course animals can’t talk and we don’t know for sure how they are feeling, but it is us would infuse them with a personality and words and therefore, they are a comic and interesting reflection of us. How do some of us see the world and climate change is portrayed in the comic. Maybe we feel that when even animals take up the fight of climate change, we should be fighting too, as less sentient beings are already on it. Or maybe, they too are like us, needing to look good in front of cameras. It gives us a sense of familiarity that though we are so different, we live together on a world that is dying and we should know that it is dying and must be saved.
