Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY greetings! God Bless Obama and his White House (COM)

Well, it’s the fourth day of the Chinese Luna New Year, and the festive mood is slowly starting to die down. I love this festive holiday, as it gives me the excuse to buy clothes and of course, there’s food all around us, what more I can ask for? Indeed, I guess I have over indulged in too much the past few days, just the fact that I got 4 different brands of Bak Kwa in my house probably speaks a lot, or 6 different types of pineapple tarts to start of with! Haha, all thanks to my parents with their good working relationships with all their client. Despite the economic recession, I guess we all should pull ourselves away, and bask in the mood. My cousin did mention that Chinese new year won’t be the yearly affair without the traditions that we do every year like the various Cantonese cuisines that we prepare for meals, the games that we play, etc. A reunion dinner not at home would just seem strange too.

I came across a news that I would like to discuss over the past few days. In conjuction with the New Year, the White House email system actually crashed, and the Obama’s aides had to resort to using the pen and paper method to get their work done. You can read more from the article posted on the internet –
I found it pretty hilarious when I first came across the article. The White House is the heart of the country where many decision making takes place, and information is circulated around. It’s the core of communication of the US political ground. Therefore, it’s pretty embarrassing for something of such to happen, don’t they have a back-up server ? Well I believe that communication have gone on to a whole new meaning with the introduction of technology. Now people communicate through various platforms from email to text messages to online chats. I guess it’s something that we can’t avoid in the modern world, and it saves time. Such interactive model of communication is currently practiced on a global scale, however I believe that there are a a few disadvantages along with it. Take for example, in the office environment that I worked with a few months back. Though the staff would be well within talking range of one another, they would instead send emails to each other to discuss matters or seek confirmation. The simple reason behind that is they want to keep the emails as evidence on what the other party promised. Through normal conversations, there won’t be any documented evidence that can prove who is telling the truth, if one of them decides to go against his word. The people’s perception are influenced by psychological factors, they do not trust each other and fear that any mistakes made would get them into hot soup, thus by using documented evidence would prove them innocence. So, everytime when I step into my workplace, I know that there are conversations going on every minute. Emails shooting above my head from one cubicle to another cubicle, but the place just seem rather quiet. This is practiced in many organizations and workplace. To me, such communication just reduced the warmth and sincerity of pure conversations. In a normal transactional model of communication, one can get feedback from the other, and his reply would be influenced by the other party’s body language, emotions and expressions. But through email, it’s brought about to be cold, and hard form of getting the message across and getting things done.

I believe this also applies to text messages as well. The introduction of text messages was meant for a form of communication for people who wished to deliver a short message or reminder to someone without having the trouble to call the person because both parties maybe inconvenient to pick up the call. Text messages share the same features of emails except they are much shorter, and have a different purpose of use after all. Nevertheless, though text messages maybe useful in our everyday lives, I feel that we shouldn’t over depend on it. There have been many instances whereby, I have misinterpreted the messages that closed ones sent to me. Because the text messages do not hold any emotions or expressions with it, unlike a normal conversation, it’s very easy for one to jump to conclusion that the sender may meant an underlying meaning that he might not mean. You may probably think that the sender meant to be sarcastic to you, however in actual sense, he just meant it out of good will with no harm intended. Thus text messages have caused me to have misunderstanding with loved ones in that sense, whereby I over conclude or perceive it to be of other meaning. Personally I feel that it’s a dangerous form of communication if both parties are communicating on sensitive issues. When it comes to deep issues or problems to be discussed, upfront conversations are just the best method to get the meaning across. Furthermore I would like to add that, breaking up a relationship via text message is one of the most irresponsible thing to do as well.

I believe that one of Obama’s key to winning is the ability to use technology to reach out to the IT-savvy people out there to get their attention and votes. Though, its not the best way for him to communicate with them, but it’s the smartest way to do so, because it’s a widespread practice and it’s the only way to get to these people. The fact that he embraces technology probably distinct him from his other candidates. Being a technophile myself, I applaud his idea. I hope that the white house get their emails system back up on time! Now it’s off to the gym to burn off those extra calories from pineapple tarts and bak kwa. Have a good festive season ahead! =)


  1. Hello kelvin,this is Timothy here. I do admit that i myself sometimes cannot accurately interpret SMSes too, simply because SMSes dont carry along the tone of the senders with them.
    I fully understand how you feel when issues that can be resolved face to face are being done so via email. This is especially so for people working in the same office. For me, i always take it upon myself to send a mail and remind people at the same time.
    While i think that with technology so widely used, it is inevitable for Obama to use it to communicate to the public. While Kelvin, what other ways do you think the 44th president of the United States can use to relate to the public?

  2. Hey KELVIN!
    THis is a rather interesting article... Well, being rather adverse to hi tech stuff, i felt that these things do happen and nothing can really compare to the crisp hand-written word.
    At least in the article, the white house officials still had a back up plan to do things the old fashioned way.
    Hmm...i wonder whether there will come a day when people, governments even, would not be able to funtion when their gadgets fail...perhaps that s why scouts still have to learn morse code...or do they still?
    I hope this outcry about a glitch is not a reflection on our dependency upon such devices and our helplessness,or in this case, outrage when they fail(thereby it being worth reporting as seen in the link that KELVIN has so graciously provided), but that this happened in an important and revered establishment.

    Therefore, let us reflect!!!

  3. Hey Kelvin!

    This is a really interesting and enjoyable post to read. And I agree that this year, the chinese-new-year vibe somehow just isn't there, or maybe we are too old for all the hype and excitement. Or is it simply because we're more 'sensible' now, we tend not to let our surroundings rule our emotions? Strangely, I do wish I still had the childlike innocence to be thrilled and fascinated easily by events such as Christmas and chinese new year.

    But on another note, as I grow older, the more I realise I value traditions. Certain things like reunion dinners, particular dishes prepared, certain houses to visit seem to have become a very integral part of me. It's as if without them, chinese new year really isn't chinese new year at all. So there really is some good in growing more 'sensible' after all..

    Sorry for that minor diversion from the main topic, but yes! As we humans all become more tech-savvy and communication technologies continue to become more and more advanced, we somehow seem to have fallen into the rut of e-mail/msn over verbal words. As much as I disapprove of such behavior, I cannot deny that e-mail and msn are much more convenient ways of reaching out to the masses. Like, how traditional birthday invites in the form of invitation cards are becoming obsolete and gradually giving way to invitations via Facebook. One saves the trouble of calling up every individual and saves money on postage as well! Nonetheless, we cannot champion convenience over every other factor. If not, we would all become like those lazy humans onboard the spaceship in Wall-E (the movie) - having EVERYTHING at the convenience of their fingertips such that all they do is sit on their moving space-chair and demand their needs. Eventually they forget how to walk even! Of course, I don't think we'll ever reach such a state of advancement...

    Therefore my view? When it comes to important things such as rendering support to a friend in need of a listening ear, checking up on a cell member who hasn't been coming to church, arranging outings and meetings etc, where tone and emotions need to be felt and heard, I'd choose to use my gift of the gab over fastest-fingers-first. :)


  4. Hi Timothy,well I guess that we share the same view for emails, the fact that it is a double-edged sword,having both its benefits and disadvantages. Therefore, I feel that email should always been excercised with caution, using it for the correct purpose and reason.

    Well I guess that there are always many ways for the President to reach out to the people other than internet sites. This can be done through television campaigns and talk shows. Programmes like Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres have extremely high viewership in US, we are talking in terms of millions here. In fact they are shown all over the world on cable tv. And Obama has been on these talk shows before and after being elected as President, and his views were publicized over national TV. Furthermore, he is able to reach out to his people through the press from the New York Times or magazines like Newsweek. For a more sincere approach, he has his means of travelling to the different states and hosting rallies, assuring people his capabilities as president. However, I don't often see such large scale reach outs during the elections in our country, don't you think so?

  5. Well,if you have been catching up with the news, Obama won his battle of being able to keep his BlackBerry by his side, instead of handing it over to the White House officials whom are afraid that the device might be electronically hijacked by spies. Obama emphasises that the Blackberry allows him to keep track of appointments and important personal matters.
    I guess that proves a point to you that even the President Of USA is so dependent on technological gadgets. Well, I believe that there would be a day humans be disorientated and perform in the least efficient way. They wouldn't cease to function, but would find difficulty with the failure of technological gadgets. Take for example, the organisation that i used to work, uses the enterprise system to keep track of stocks and indent items. As a by-stander, I see lots of flaws in this programme. Furthermore it's very user-unfriendly. The thing is that, when the system is down, it results in an almost stand-still of most work processes. As items can't be indented to be used for daily work processes etc. Work and problems would keep piling up, as the day goes by. And when the system is up, the workload just explodes on us. This shows the dependency of humans on technology and the problems that arise without it.

    If the world wasn't overly dependent, or trusted the 'wows' of technology, we wouldn't be afraid of the 'Y2K' bug that everyone was so concerned about when the new millenium yr 2000 came. don't you think so? Though I don't think we would ever have to resort to the Titanic era of using morse codes, but I feel that the more humans rely on technology the more contigencies one should prepare for if the gadget should fail us. Nevertheless, for someone like me, who owns an I-phone, PDA hp, 3.5 G Nokia, and always on the lookout for products of better technology to make our lives easier;can't be in a better position to say that we are becoming obsessed with technology. =)

  6. Oh definately, the election campaigns in Singapore are surely not as intense compared to those in the United States. In Sinagapore, the President candidate do not even address the public before they are elected. And President SR Nathan managed to extend his term in office without any credible resistance. Well during election, the local crowd that bother to attend the rallies seems to be lacking in size compared to those in other countries too.Are Singaporeans being apathetic towards politics? I have this feeling that with the stability and good leadership that the PAP offer allows it to conveniently become the first choice candidate during election. What do you think Kelvin?


  7. Hi jayne, well I do agree with you that when I was much younger, I was really excited with the arrival of Chinese New Year and Christmas. Now that I am older, I do look forward to this events, but I have lost much of the zest as compared to last time. I believe that when we much younger, we had lesser worries on our minds. We saw things differently, we had less responsibilites. AS we mature, our shoulders start to buckle from the weight of responsibilities.From education to family to relationships with loved ones, therefore sometimes we get too preoccupied with such things and therefore we lost the meaning to celebrate. Nevertheless, I agree with you on the fact that we should excercise caution on when to use verbal facial communication as compared through the use of technology. We do not want our world to become a cold and unemotional one, and never use technology for convenience and put friendships or relationships on the line.

  8. Hi Timothy, I guess during the poor turn-up at rallies is because either the people have already made up their mind of who they are going to vote, or they are probably not interested in hearing all the empty promises made by candidates.Well some of the people around me did say that for any organisation, there should be external/opposing sources that check on what the party is doing, and it's always healthy and competitive to have a change in management from time to time. In the next election , we are looking at the new generation of hippies and facebookers that are throwing in their votes. What will they choose? and how can they be convinced? maybe the tables will turn? no one knows for sure...we just got to wait and see....

  9. Hey hey....kel,
    Ya , read what u wrote and I agree, it is downright shameful that such an exalted office should have such elementary problems, what then are we, the citizens of the world, to make of one of the greatest (if not the greatest) world policy making machines? What if another technical glitch occurs? Such cock ups might affect nations! I mean simple organisations also have such problems but many never let it reach that level of severity. These MNCs or whatever companies need to function properly with these communications, what more the world’s most powerful decision making place?
    What a joke...

  10. Yes, regarding what u wrote, I do feel that it is shameful that so acclaimed an organisation should be victim of such a problem. I mean in a normal organisation, there are many ways to communicate. One way is if it employs formal channels of communication. Information can flow upward, downward or horizontally. Though they themselves are not without flaws, such as message filtering or special focus on particular news, many organisations use them today. But the white house incident is really bad. Normal organisations do it on a small scale, and with the white house, it might be argued that if information travelled horizontally, it can still be said to be small scale. But the white house is the nerve centre of the entire country, and employs upward and downward communications. This means that news is disseminated and received here from the rest of the country, if not the world. This blunder could have worldwide implications indeed.

  11. It is outrageous that such a powerful institution should have such fundamental problems. What if a global emergency was going on? I mean things can just go out of hand and America did not act and nip the problem in the bud because they had email ‘s ludicrous!

  12. Yes it is certainly distressing that such a place can have such errors and problems, but it I now feel that we should and open mind and not feel too strongly about this incident. Accidents do happen. This is a fact, and so what is the deal that it happened at such a supposedly great place? I feel that we must look to the efficacy of the contingent plans that are in place. Yes such a thing happened, and too bad. But it is truly a test of human mantle to see what has been put in place for just such a thing as this. And they pulled it off. So it goes to show that they still can function and were not at a loss as to what to do. This I feel is what should stand out most in such reported incidents and not that it happened to so and so.
