Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let's Turn The Clock Back.....(COM)

Well, it's almost closing to the end of the week, and boy am I feeling drained or what, just by the workload piled on me. Furthermore, I have come to made certain decisions in my life the past few days, it took me quite sometime to think through about it, and I am still wondering if I have made the right choice. I am just very tired of the things happening around me, and I guess what I need is the motivation, care and affection from you! As I try to manage the things around me, I feel dreadful to live up to the so many expectations, but I would try to hang in there.

Nevertheless,in the past month, we have seen an influx of movies in a theatre. And today I shall critically analyse a small part of this bold upcoming movie - Valkyrie.

This movie is basically set in the time of the Hitler regime. It depicts the story of how Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg a loyal officer in Germany, plots a cunning strategy to attempt to overthrow the Nazi government and assassiante Hitler, before the tyrant actually destroys germany and Europe. With everything in place, the future of the world lies in one man's hands. Basically, Tom Cruise starrs as Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg which is also one of the main reasons why many would want to catch this movie, having an A-list actor in it. Here's the short part i would like to talk abt-

This scenerio depicts how Colonel Claus colleague is warning him that his efforts would be sucidal by going against the Nazi regime, he urges Clause not to prevent Hitler from carrying out his plans, as he wouldn't wish to be anyway involved in his mutiny against the leader.

This scene basically shows the interpersonal communication existing between Colonel Claus and his colleagues. It takes on the form of a qualitative approach of dyadic primacy, where we can see a series of exchanges between 2 persons. Their communication is based on a colleage relationship, however conflict occurs due to differences in perception whereby Colonel Claus takes on the idea of hatching a plan to bring Hitler down, whereas his colleague, wishes to do as he's told in the force. There's also a difference in motivation, whereby Clause wishes to save the europe and germany by eradicating hitler, whereas his colleague probably wishes to stay alive. Thus the factors in both can be dysfunctional for them.

Just at the start of the scene, we observe the paralinguistics of his colleague, whereby he takes a serious and hostile tone, yet keeping his voice to the minium to warn Claus to stop pushing him. He varies his quality of voice as a non-verbal cue to highlight to Clause that he's not welcoming what he's doing. It's also very obvious that Claus saw this coming, as we can see that his reaction was calm and subtle, with a very formal tone and not even showing eye contact to his colleague. This was definitely not greeted well, by his colleage, because we can see an immediate change in tone and loudness of his voice. The non-verbal cue of kinesics is displayed too, which means his body language. As he strides over in great steps, we can infer that he's actually impatient and frustrated with Claus take on the situation. He raises his voices and shouts to him. At the instant, Clause makes " an eye" contact with me his colleague for the first time, and keeps it that way as they speak. Whereby both officers try to make their point across to each party.

As their conversation goes on, I would like to bring your attention to the time frame of 0.30 of the scene. Do notice that how the camera zooms in on him washing his hands in the toilet. Are they trying to potray the artsy way of washing hands? Or how did the germans Nazi people wash their hands back then? Or to show us how his beautiful his hands are? Nah, I doubt so, i think my hands would probably be nicer.haha. Anyway, my point here, is that i believe the director wanted to potray a metaphorical meaning to this, he's trying to indirectly say that his colleague is 'washing his hands off' Colonel Clause, and would cease trying to persuade him not to carry out his plans of Hitlers. assassination. Thus the camera zooms in just on the washing of hands for a few seconds before panning back to Colonel Clause. See the link? Or maybe the other meaning could be, his colleague tries to cool down and distract himself by washing his hand, and keeping his mind occupied with that. I think this is something to keep u thinking for the day yea? haha.. Well do let me know your comments on that too. I guess I would like to catch the whole movie this sat if time permits. And I would give you the reviews next time. Have a good evening ahead!


  1. just to sidetrack from the movie, Hitler would have been an great leader had he become much less ambitious. I guess greed got over him, thats why hitler was on the 'hit' list of everyone. By the way, have you watch the movie 'sophie scholl'?

  2. Hello Kelvin, I guess the reason why Claus college washed his hand was because he wanted to do something to distract himself from the tense situation. Well I think sometimes we do such similar actions when we face with pressurizing situations too. Right?
    I do not see Hitler as a good leader. The fact that he exterminated 17 million civilians including the infamous genocide of approximately 6 millions jews is enough to stir hatred towards him.While isn't that true?


  3. Hey Kel...
    You seem to critique their every movement...
    With regards to the 'washing hands' thing, it looks to me that perhaps Claus' friend was indeed trying to steady himself after understanding the gravity of Claus' proposed scheme. But at the beginning of the clip, it didnt seem as if Claus' colleage had a need or wanted to wash his hands. So this need to wash his hands seem to be borne out of psychological stimuli.

    Whether he is trying to wash off the treason he just heard or the 'keep myself busy thing whilst i try to digest cataclysmic news' senario or indeed both simultaneouly is open to discussion.
    However this futile washing of hands to deal with the situation might be well....futile. I conjecture that he would go on with Claus' plan to oust Hilter, and end up doing the opposite of the washing 'to forget what Claus just told me'senario.( i didnt watch the movie so forgive me if i am prove presumptious)

    It is also notable that the washing stops when Claus metions this big secret henious crime that he had commited in the past, pershaps symbolising that he cannot just continue to 'wash' off the past as he is presently doing (figuratively and physically), and might have even persuaded him to stop 'washing' and try to redeem himself.

    Another reason for the washing might be so body language thing-that he wanted to show Claus how he is already brushing of the role he intended him to play so that claus would not continue to entertain the idea of him joining in his treason, a kind of 'speak to the hand cuz the head's not listening' thing...

    Well, i dunno...

  4. Hmm,well.. I haven't watched the movie sophie scholl, isn't it supposed to be shown on Ockto channel or something in conjuction with the Oscar Film Arts festival. Is it something to do with during the regime of Hitler? maybe I should check that out one day. I know the movie The Pianist, is about the Hitler regime. Anyway, I doubt that Hitler would be a good leader, if he would be a dictator and govern his country to what North Korea is today. I don't think that would be welcomed by many politicians around the world.

  5. Good day Jinquan,nice of you to drop by despite your busy schedule. Well,I understand that you are addressing the point of adaptor that is used by Colonel Clause's colleague. Adaptor is a body movement such as self manipulations that are associated with pyshological stress. They are often individual in nature, learnt during childhood or adolescene and occur at low level of consciousness. I dare say that it's highly possible, as the subject in this context was currently undergoing high level of psychological stress by Colonel Clause. And therefore, he might be channeling it through the outlet of washing his hands. From the start of this snippet, we can see that his colleague,do not have much intentions to use the toilet in the first place, but to actually confront Colonel Clause.

    I agree with you to an extent that Hitler isn't a good leader as he allows his personal construct to govern his thoughts, having an idealised view that Jews are "unclean" people, and ought to be killed. It's going to be alarming to note that if a leader takes over the whole world and discrimminates againts asians, blacks,homosexuals etc and do a mass cleansing by killing every single one they come across. If one day, when North Korea leader takes over the world, will Kim Jong Il do a mass genocide on all americans? The thought of being under his regime just send chills down my spine if you understand how North Korea is actually run.Since young, they have all been enforced with a cultural perspective approach to hate americans, and love their leader. They live in a country with no free will, but many seem happy. hmm, is it a facade? well the word here is seem...i wonder?

  6. Hi there to you. You seem very versed with studying pyschological aspects of people. I do agree with most of your opinions here. Firstly, the fact that is I do believe that Clause's colleague has no intention to use the lavatory in the first place, but to merely confront Clause about his problem. However, the encounter that didn't turn well, caused distress among both of them. Therefore, he tries to regulate this stress by engaging in an activity like washing his hands as the sink was just in front of him.

    Similarly, I do agree with you that the washing of hands is a a form of figure of speech that he doesnt want to continue the role in Clause's treason and try to ignore his word by doing something that is unrelevant to the topic.

  7. hi mr kelvin,
    The obvious escapism of the other guy in the show is obvious, but what I want to say is that I feel that this communication is not going very well. They seem to almost be fighting and information transmission should not be that heated as anger might affect the transmission of information and the understanding of this information on the part of the receiver.

  8. I would say that the communication is going quite well. The message is getting through to the other party even though he seems adamant to not listen or in fact ignore Colonel Claus’ words (as seen in his washing of hands).It is because that the colonel is communicating well that even before he is done with what he is saying, the other party already realises what is being said is tantamount to treason against the regime and wants out of this grand plan. Of course our dear colonel realises this form of communication-the communication that he wants to terminate the communication (the washing of hands part) and goes on to using threats to sway the other party. It is interesting to see how this communication plays out. The venue itself is noteworthy- it is in an empty bathroom. It reeks of secrets and conspiracy, as if what is going to be said cannot see the light of day.

    Nothing is lost on in the communication between both men as they both perfectly understand each other and are in sync with each other- no misunderstandings and knowing the general gist of what the other part is saying even before the other party finishes. There are understandable angry retorts and this does not take the other party by surprise. Meaning that these reactions were expected and therefore knowledge and intent is being communicated well.

    O ya and Mr Bo liao, I feel that the anger points to the fact that information is being transmitted well. The nature of message if someone understands it correctly is dangerous and offensive when one is asked to risk his or her life. So the anger might not stunt the understanding of both parties.

  9. Hi I would like to discuss the scene where the washing of hands takes place. It is so interesting to discuss non verbal communication. I feel that he is communicating well and Cruise is taking the hint. I feel that in everyday life it is somewhat the same, only more complicated. What do you think?

  10. Hi I would like to discuss the scene where the washing of hands takes place. We can clearly see that the act of hand washing was to clearly announce his disinterest in what Tom Cruise had to say, or what he thinks Cruise was going to say. I feel that there are many kinds of such actions, and to be understood by the other party, it must be communicated in a culture specific way. There are many ways to sound off your disinterest, such as whistling while the other guy is talking, or just simply not listening and interjecting to change the subject. Such actions might serve to indirectly signal to the other person that he might not like to follow this subject thread and would seek to cease it. This is understandable. But people, being what they are, are not short of their idiosyncrasies and peculiarness. If signals of communicating is not culture specific enough but borders on the idiosyncratic, then it is not surprising that the other party just would not understand and get the implied hint. This might come in sudden cynicism in the topic of conversation or just plain rudeness. I mean these are just examples. Then there are those that communicate so well, they simply say, I don’t want to continue this conversation. These are the most succinct.

    It is so very interesting to discuss communication, and there is no end to the variety of communication out there. They can be culture specific, universal or just plain difficult to understand, but they simply affect us too much to not be aware of it. The movie chose this action aptly in that it is understandable to most everyone, and it should be this way to understand the sequence of events that are slowly unfolding.
