Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Inauguration Speech Extract (COM)

The video that you can view from the website given below is the first part 1 of Obama Inauguration speech,LIVE from CNN-

In his speech, Obama mentions about the changes that he would push for in his term of presidency and how they can be achieved with the help of the people.He also answers the doubts of others who are sceptical of what measures that can be done with so much mayhem going on throughout the world.For this event, the audience comprise mainly of important government officals, and citizens. Therefore, the decorum is formal and the atmosphere is serious.The venue, content of speech and audience, all speaks of an important event where changes are to be announced to the world. As it is the correct opportune for Obama to bring his message across to the nation.

We can see how the leader uses logo and pathos simultaenously to show his sincerity in convincing how he's able to bring US to greater heights.In his speech, he speaks very carefully, weighing each words with an intended meaning for the audience to decode it slowly and think about it. He talks in an assertive and factual manner, confident of his facts, he reveals the dreadful problems that faces US in a harsh tone, with an aim to wake up the fellow citizens. Furthermmore, from 4.30 - 4.45 of time frame, Obama states of a point that appeals to the emotions of people whom are under the inequality and discrimination of the society. He says "all are equal,all are free and all deserves a chance to pursue happiness" , emphasising the term "all" with each phrase, to bring the message across that no one would be left back.

The scene depicts are interactive model of commuication whereby the audience would provide necessary feedback with applause and cheers, thus a 2 way active participation. Being the first African American President, Obama should feel a burden of representation of his own race to perform. If he doesnt bring about what he promise, will US citizens hesistate to vote for another African American president in the future? I guess it could be something possible. Therefore, there tremendous pressure on him. His speech motivates and brings hope to the people. He takes a cultural perspective approach to make himm feel closer to the people, and convince them that he was chosen as The One. He does this by going back to history, mentioning that 44 americans have taken the presidential oath, which is a custom that all citizens know. And possibly implying that he's the 45th, and should be seen equally as the rest of them, and not as a different race. Well, as there's so much he can say, as time goes by, we would know how capable he is as a political leader. But I believe to be able to reach where he is, in a country that was once racist to his race, and a support of African slavery, is quite a feat and definitely proves to be a good start that he may live up to his words.


  1. With the current US economy still deteoriating and the surge in unemployment still continuing, Barack Obama's inauguration speech to address the public could not have come at a better time. This is especially more so when some are looking askance if the first African American got what it takes to bring this superpower out of its current turmoil.
    During his speech, the 44th president of American smartly warned Americans that the uncertain times ahead was not going to be a joy ride. In doing so, I felt that he has taken some pressure off himself that he is supposed to create miracles immediately. His speech was very inspiring and motivating allowing the American citizens to feel that they have something to contribute to the rising up of the nation again.I have to agree with you that the repetitive use of 'ALL' was effective in reiterating the poin that no was was going to be left unattended allowing the people to connect emotionally to the new leader.
    There is a lot of pressure and expectation on the first African American president especially from people from his community. As much as he wants to eradicate racial unjustice and discrimination, he has to handle the situation meticulously and correctly. Any move he makes will be subjected to scrutinity and if not handled well, his critics may say that he is favouring the people from his community. Although racial discrimination may not be as blatantly practiced as it was in the 1960s,it still exits. Housing, jobs, education. Not all blacks get their fair opportunities. If he does his job well, Obama will bring up his community to a new level but will give citizens more reasons to contemplate if voting for another African American as president is the right thing to do. Well good luck Obama.

  2. Hey Kelvin, what do you mean by Obama using the pathos of speech to communicate to the audience?

  3. kel daarling, of so many things to choose from, why did ya had to do Obama? I think history is in creation, for the first African American President, do you think this election would have any impact on a global scale? Since US is the super power of the world. Though I think he is pretty charismatic, don't u think so? =)

  4. Well, this is address to winner. Basically, the term pathos is a way of speech that appeals to the emotions of an audience. Basically, the person communicating would want to get his message across to the listner and convince him of his idea. Therefore, he appeals to the listner's emotions should the content, expression and body language of speech. E.g for a beggar to persuade a bystander to donate some money to him, the beggar would relate his pitiful story in life, in order to gain the sympathy of the bystander to give him some money. For which, the beggar is appealing to the bystander's emotion to get his bounty.

    And I do agree with ya that a lot of eyes are on the new President for the fact of his race. In the speech, I do observe his constant emphasis on equality through all, and warning people of the tough times ahead.. I guess this is the fact that he's skeptical of the non-supporters working against him, because of his race.

  5. hi...
    I think that of course important government officials would be present for his speech but it is after all an inauguration speech which means that he seeks to address the people for the first time since he began his presidency. Therefore people from all walks of life would be invited as this speech is for them. I did not really manage to see the target audience that the speech was directed at in the u you tube video but I am quite confident that the decorum would not be that strict. Furthermore it is an open air area, and I don’t think anyone would be faulted for wearing what they usually wear when they go out into open spaces. Also, it should be noted that his speech was made with more or less ‘everyday English’, so that most people would be able to understand it. Therefore I do not think the speech was just mainly for ‘important government officials, and citizens’.

    O ya, by the way, why do you think that he uses historical figures and stresses on the perseverance of the people?

  6. Well, I chose Obama because I think it's a historal achievement for US to have an African American president. It would be something that would be in record and remembered by many in all parts of the world. And its the most talked about issue in the recent weeks, by putting it up on my blog, would allow people who have common interest to discuss about it.

    Yes, I feel that it would have global impact in a way. Because, it shows the globalistion of our world, that perceptions of people are changing. Equality is becoming widespread, whereby a country which strongly discrimminate blacks as the inferior race,for which has elected themselves as a African American President. The whole world is revolutionising and the people have become more liberal to things around them.This is an example of equality that we have to spread around the world, no discrimination of gender,religion, race and orienation of people.

    He's definitely charismatic, or else he wouldnt have out talked MC Cain. aint it? =)

  7. Though I understand that it's a speech open to a public, it's a speech by the President Of The United States, and therefore as such I believe that with a one of the most powerful man who is speaking, the atmosphere is definitely with certain level of seriousness, and a level of formality through out the audience.
    In a way, he is taking a cultural perspective approach for his speech. He relates to the American culture and history, that all his audience would know about, allowing him to form a bridge of communication between him and them as they would both have something to relate to. He appeals to nationalism using historical figures, and describes about how their American forebearers strived to overcome adversities in the past, and triumphed with victory. He emphasized the fact that Americans should be proud of their heritage and warns them about the danger that they might be unaware of. He acknowledges the problems of his times. Yes, I believe the fact that he uses historical figures to tell a story that the country has been through equally tough times, and they had pulled through to become one of the most powerful nation with a global impact on what they do, and he wants the audience to know that they can pull through the present hard times, if they tolerate with him, and preserve on together.

  8. Good day to u, Mr kelviny
    Just noticed ur blog.
    Was wondering as to the purpose of the speech he was making. Maybe the feeling that we are all in this together and to win trust. Perhaps he himself is not very sure whether he can govern well seeing that America is in rather deep shit economically. He drones on and on about the past and how men and women of a different age managed when it was tough. And rather obvious is his fear of being looked down due to color...

  9. Yes I believe his speech was made so as to elicit certain responses from the audience..and the world. However this audience is myriad and varied and Obama would therefore seek to be culture specific with his speech lest he not be understood, or worse, misunderstood. He uses common culture when reminiscing about the past so as to create perhaps a sense of belonging and collective responsibility for the state of the country. Though whether the era in question was as tough as he put makes it to be might be open to discussion. What is important is that people thought that era was tough. That seems, seeing that he too labels it so, to be the common perception of the time. It does not really matter as the end that obama had in mind was probably to give everyone a sense of belonging and awe at their ancestors and how they too have the responsibility and can emulate the greatness of these past personages. Yes, I feel that one of the main purposes of the speech is perhaps to gain trust as he confidently delivers the solutions to the ills of present day America. His delivery in convincing as he seems to believe in what he is saying. This inspires trust in the receiver, but of course, not everyone would take it as obama intends.

    There are some people who for many reasons would not get the message. But this is up to obama to settle. Maybe their past experiences lead them to doubt or they know something the rest of us don’t... well it is really hard to say what receiver gets out of a communication. But I believe the majority would probably get the intended message.
