Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Starbucks and Me

With nothing much in mind today, i decided to laze my afternoon away at the starbucks near my place. I am always glad to live in an area whereby heading to the fastfood joints, cafe n eaterys are all in walking distance. I went to my usual spot, the cushy single seated sofa by the window. Once again, it was empty n waiting for me to sink in and drift away in my thoughts. It was the best spot in the house, i could see the throngs of pple crossing the road, to the rest jostling into the mall, and anyone that walks into starbucks to get their usual cuppa. From office workers, to students etc. I ordered my venti spearmint green and sat down happily. Then someone came in tt caught my eye. He was an elderly man, late 50s, carring a sch style backpack, and pulling another trolley bag, holding the hand of his son. His son had down syndrome. I could spot the usual characteristics quite easily as in features wise. And then came the smiling to oneself, weird hand n leg gestures. He passed the waitress 5 bucks, asking her to bring him a cup of brewed coffee. I guess, u must guys must be wondering, hey wait a minute..this is not those coffeshop that take orders n they bring your kopi-c siew dai for you. Yup, totally agree, but HAH..well the thought tt came nxt into my mind was that he didnt dare to leave his son alone. I guess he had cases of getting lost or running wild before. Well, i m sharing this story because I feel for the Father n for the son. I guess no dad would wana son to be born that way, n yet i admire this man alot. For the fact that he's 50 plus n he has to takecare of someone that behaves like a 5 year old for the rest of his life is something very noble. The patience he has is unmeasurable. Sometimes i use to think that why doesnt a dad chose to abort that baby if they are aware tt the child wld be down syndrome at birth? I feel that the abortion might nt b a cruel thing, afterall the child born into this world, would only meet much struggle and sufferings. If i love him, i wouldnt want him to suffer in this alrdy competitive n cruel world, so why not end his sufferings early before his even the slightest aware of it...but then again , some pple say who are we to choose who gets to live or die?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

TWG and Equinox at Stamford

Well recemtly, i have been pile-ing on the calories, feasting at quite a few places...being less restrictive of my once health conscious diet than before...I guess its because of the holidays,so i considering that i would have more time to gym, equals more gluttony..but the fact is tt, i have been lazy to hit the gym as well...crap :-x So i went down to equinox for their semi-lunch buffet. The food was of decent standard, there was a good spread, n deserts were satisfying. What i tort was pretty unique was their fondue... as they served not one but 3 types of chocolate fondues, dark, milk and white chocolate. It was more of the view that captivated me. Each time I head there, I am wowed by how our country has progressed with more skyscrapers coming up. I just sat there n soaked in the view n drank my Fiji water which burnt a hole in my wallet...zzzz...

Moving on, i went to the TWG boutique n cafe at Ion orchard for brunch one sat morn. Though I would have prefered the boutique to be located at a part of Ion with a decent view of the orchard walkway, but i guess i was pretty absorbed in conversation with the person i was with, so there was no time to check out any view of any sort. I would say tt tho the brunch was tad on the high side, but i guess u r paying for the good service, n the whole TWG ambience where u cant get anywhere else. The quality of food was top end and so was the tea. Pastries were above average, but I have tasted better. But overall, i love the place for nice relaxing conversations, and the cosy feeling :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Finally summer sch is over!!! today is the start of my break, which i have plenty of things to catch up plenty of movies to watch like despicable me, the crazies, soccer's apprentice etc :) cant wait..and i gotta chk out starcraft 2, and prolly get a new wallet...mine is threading away like crazy, n the brand metal insignia juz came off the other day..crap...

Well, i have to start of the day tmrw with tidying up my room..its in the post tsunami state. Nw currently watching this movie called ' I love phillip morris ' starring ewan mc gregor and jim carrey. well, its about how these 2 actors fall in love during their time in prison...Its a romance cum comedy show but base on a true story...ewan mc gregor plays the role of phillip morris, and he looks dashing in this film..lotsa heart warming romance in between.jim carry plays steven rusell. I really respect this chap,as in steven russell the person in real life, as he's juz darn freaking smart..I shant give away too much, but i recommend everybody to watch it, of course, usually such films cater to the pink market..but hey, the plot is very orginal as its base on the true story, and u will be amazed by how smart steven russell is...haha..i dun remember this film showing in singapore tho, they prolly banned it...argh..i shall go back to my post exams life nw...will blog again.. ta-ta :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Star Craft 2

Heard sooooo much good reviews abt it...i think i must lay my hands on it..soooooooon :D But i oso want iphone 4 n ipad too! craps :-X