Tuesday, April 28, 2009

a little less conversation, a little more action! how AWARE are you?!

Well, today I am going to discuss about the past issues that have been prominent in the Singapore news. That would be about the AWARE organisation that has been the headlines for many weeks. The Singapore government did mention that they would not wish to interfere in this issue, because it involves the committee and their members directly. My personal opinion is that AWARE is an organisation that caters to the women's needs regardless of race, religion and sexuality! For the fact that, the new exco storms into the scene and evicts the old guard out, isn't a very friendly gesture. There isn't a formal, or proper handover being done either. Besides, the new exco are driven by pro-christian values, and they imply the fact that they discriminate homosexuals and regard it as a 'sickness'. Doesn't this contracdict the focus of the organisation of helping women regardless of race, religion and sexuality.. Furthermore, would they advocate christian values through their counselling sessions, and use it on the women who seek help? I am not against any religion, but being an organisation, they should have a neutral approach to such matters. In 2007, the majority religion in singapore of 42.5% is buddhism. And 14.2% of christianity. So will the new exco draw a line for women of different religion? The old exco doesn't promote homosexuality. They merely rendered help to gay women who were in need. They counselled those who needed the emotional and mental support, taking no stand on whether it was right/wrong, or attempting to counsel them along the way to 'straighten' their thoughts which the new exco seems advocate. So does that imply promoting? so not promoting means, not helping them till they become straight women? haha, what a joke..seriously. Besides, they have not been transparent in lotsa their actions. From handling the funds, and taking over the organisation. Do they have other ulterior motives in hand? Maybe? I believe what has sparked the outrage done by the new exco, is the way the members are handling the situation. Their actions of locking out the old guards from the office, etc etc. Their actions and behavior speak loudly abt their personality which would dictate how they would run AWARE in the future. This is probably what many women won't want.

And...my eyes are yawing..me is so tired...i am turning in..nitez pple..and feel free to drop ya comments! =)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

it's been a loooooong time...

well, yup..it's been a looong time. I finally get a chance to take a break from work. Its been a ardous week of revising and studying. Man, i am so time and shagged out. It's time to let lose, and catch up with things I am suppose to be doing..Oh, and I should be having some belated celebs soon with quite a number of people. You know, I really hate people who makes use of you. In that sense, when they are down, or have no one to turn to, and they come to you. You give them all your love, comfort and care, and they crawl back up again. From which they totally throw u aside after that, and leave you to rot and decay. And there are those who uses ur company as a substitue to pass their time and for entertainment sake. Both of you are like related to each other from the time you meet till the time you head home. Other than that, the person doesnt care less if you have gotten into an accident, or had a terrible day that you need someone to rant to.When you ask them out, they either say they are busy, or they are broke. The interesting fact is that, the reason they are busy, is because they are going out with their huge circle of friends every other day which they claim. When you get that, it usually means 'eh, I don't wana go out with ya, so screw off! ' Just accept the fact that your company is not appreciated despite you being so nice to the person. Obviously he finds someone else that can provide him with better company cum entertainment, he throws you away like a broken furniture, and you will never hear from him again. It's often that the victims are the nice guys, with a good personality. They are self-sacrificing and caring at heart. THey are often the ones that end up being emotionally hurt and scarred. I truly understand, because I have been there before. Oh and i forget to mention about those, who utterly use every bit of you at work and you summon every ounce of your energy to help them when they are in trouble. After that, when they are done with ya, they won't even bother to reply to ur casual smses like how have been? etc. Well, to them, between you and them, there's nothing much to talk about.

What I do not understand is how the fact that these people have the conscious to do such things? Me, being me...will never be able to do these things to someone who have been constantly nice, caring and helpful to me. Well, i guess, it's them being them then. My best pal kl use to tell me, how the hell do you get to meet these horrible circle of friends of yours? U should just leave all of them, they are draining you like crap. Well, to me, I just can't turn down someone in need of desperate help or comfort. My motto in life was not to leave any fallen men behind me. That was what i practiced in SAF, and I took the blame for many people, and I fought for many fallen men. I don't see myself as a hero, no way near there. I just saw myself as someone not being selfish, someone who would help others in need to the best of my abilities.

Someone told me, "there you go again kelvin.Helping people that don't deserve you, caring for those that don't care less for you, sallowing your pride to be nice to them whom regard you as crap, and treating him so well but yet he doesn't reciprocate anything back! why? wake up your idea. "
ya, maybe i haven truly awoken yet. They say if you can't beat them, join them.
It's either I wake up one day being cold, heartless and superficial like some of those around me, or, these people wake up one day to be kind,sincere and loving.

maybe one day things will change. But as for now, it's the continous strive to reach my goals in life.

Friday, April 10, 2009

time flies

Well, it's coming to the end of the semester. My group presentation has looooong been history, but I guess it has left a legacy behind for achieving the highest grade. My e-port folio is done, and I can say that the results has been rather satisfying almost in the top end range. Finals are coming, and that means, the holidays are HERE TOO! ahhh..well, the long awaited break. Will be attending PL 21st birthday party today. Well, it's going to be interesting....cuz i am part of the organising committee, or u can say i m his main advisor...and THERE WILL BE ALCOHOL...and LOTSA GOOD CHOW...fantastic...hopefully it will be fun...ahhh the long weekend..so many things to do..KL wish u were here to join us...never mind, I will try to skype u in today =)...snoober, enjoy ur time with dota and good cheap kl food.... when u get back, we shall celeb my success....u ownz, and i pawnz...everyone...takecare